Page 573
February 3rd, 2023

Page 573

Oh my gosh it was Max Facepuncher all along???


  1. Zen

    I am just SHOCKED it was Max Facepuncher. SHOCKED!

  2. Frosty

    that’s our Max, barely showing any reaction while facepunching certain whistling death. Have to admire that sort of skill.

  3. grayfoxpianist

    “For ‘a while’??”
    “Yeah, give or take a few years. Kept you waiting, huh?”
    Seriously, so glad to see you’ve returned! Great to see Max still living up to his name.

  4. Sandman366

    Dang Max, that’s a MUCH better introduction.

    …got any antipoisons?

  5. jmkool

    Eyyyyyyyy we back in business! So glad I keep a folder of old comics, now promoting you to the active comics folder!

  6. Roe

    Max will never change. prioritising a good fight over immediate safety

  7. Disloyal Subject

    Oh yes, it’s good to be back.

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