Page 545
January 10th, 2020

Page 545

Welcome to 2020 everyone, we made it!


  1. Fallingfeather

    Oof, fair point. That would certainly do some damage.

  2. Ooorah

    These hackers present a pretty difficult problem in this setting. It doesn’t seem hard to hear about (primary school students interested), like it takes too much skill (not-too-bright high schoolers doing it), or much expensive equipment for at least basic ability (high schooler wallets), and they’re dangerous enough to kill people pretty easily. However, they do need equipment, so containing them (not counting on external interference) shouldn’t be too difficult. I think one of the real issues is that the hackers we’ve seen so far probably have some kind of superiority complex because they can warp reality on a whim. Honestly, in a direct confrontation, their hacking tools are probably less deadly than guns in general, but they get an overdeveloped ego because of how it looks.

    I feel like the real issue is more societal. It seems that outside of Jones, there aren’t too many friendly hackers around. Maybe we just haven’t seen their task force yet, but why isn’t there research and industry all based around this reality hacking? There are so many applications for this reality hacking that is marketable, I’m astonished that everyone isn’t trying to learn it and use it in their everyday lives.

    Is it something that only certain people *can* learn (genetic/inherent/etc.)? Is the knowledge extremely controlled? If not, why isn’t society completely unrecognizable?

  3. Metalshop

    It seems like hacking is a fairly recent innovation. It’s not out out of the realm of possibility that Gavin and co are simply the first and given how young the rest are it seems like it’s deliberately been disseminated in a culty kind of way.

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