Page 535
August 30th, 2019

Page 535

UPDATE: Sorry for the delay on the new page, guys. Work has been hammering me pretty hard this week, I’ll try and get the update out on the weekend!


Oh, hello there! It’s been a while since we saw these two in the same place.

Also, its been a hot minute since I mentioned if you happen to enjoy the comic, please consider supporting me on patreon!

Thanks! Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Ether

    I don’t remember Jeremy.

  2. Bin

    That last panel is great

  3. Gorzag

    I must admit I don’t have any idea who Jeremy is either. When did he last appear ? oO

  4. ZK

    Jeremy’s the one whose leg was cut off, right? It’s really been awhile!

  5. ThisAdamGuy

    Jeremy? I thought his name was Caesar!

  6. Nicholas

    In that fourth frame, remove that horizontal line on her thumb, it looks like her thumb is placed both in front and behind the mirror when it’s supposed to be in front of the mirror (with her other fingers behind it to grip it)

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