Page 531
July 26th, 2019

Page 531

Yeah, Jack, yelling is just what we need right now.


  1. Newllend(henryvolt)

    Correction Jack she said they wanted her alive, not sure about you just yet. Also man can this family get anymore messed up?

  2. Ooorah

    “Alright Jack, I’m going to need to break this down for you. Given the way these fights have been shaping up, and the genre we’re in…”


    “Don’t interrupt me. Anyway, it seems like my mother is going to pull an ‘If you want something done right…’. Then it’ll be my sudden loss, your traumatic backstory, and then a turnaround and triumph in the eleventh-hour.”

    “What? What are you saying?”

    “Jack… you’re going to have to kill your grandmother.”

  3. Ether

    I wonder what the reasoning for going after Jack is? I still think Miles is alive and will be showing up soon.

  4. The Gorram Batguy

    Oh, hey. You’re back! *does happy dance*

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