Page 526
June 14th, 2019

Page 526

They never expect an elbow to the throat.

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  1. Ether

    I wonder if Lilly killed the one on the ground? Here’s to hopping for some answers form this ‘mom’ character. Though I have the feeling that she might want to bury the hatchet to take Lilly and Jack back into the ‘family’.

  2. Newllend(henryvolt)

    Not as fun when your the one getting jabbed in the throat is it?

  3. Dyne

    Ether, to answer your question, the last panel of the comic before this shows Lilly slicing with the knife and there being a bit of noise as the others watch in horror as Lilly kills the assassin on the ground.

  4. Ether

    Dyne, I was more questioning if Lilly actually killed her or just made it look like she did.

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