Page 493
October 5th, 2018

Page 493

Man, it’s been a while! Sorry about the unintended hiatus. I was hit with a combination of burnt out and very busy. There will be a new comic next Friday.


  1. Johnny Whoa

    The prodigal son returns! Welcome back, Jamie! We’ve missed you! Comic looks great, and I’m excited to see these two delve further into the mystery of the Cannons!

  2. Excited Reader

    Welcome back! I sense an archive-binge in my near future…

  3. Gorzag

    I’m always overjoyed when a webcomic I didn’t expect to return does. 😀

  4. shadowinthelight

    Finally, checking this page every day for the past two years pays off.

  5. Hakira

    Welcome back, and thankfully the RSS feed is still working!

  6. Ooorah

    Yayyyy! Now time to reread everything…

  7. GeodeHunter

    I expect many Christmas sharks to make up for the loss time

  8. Bob

    Welcome back! Awesome to see the new page! Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store.

  9. Sandman366

    Jack’s back, baby. Jack’s back. (I mean, I dunno for how long, and right now, I’m not entirely sure I care. There’s a glimmer of hope, and reality can screw off. I like this particular glimmer.)

  10. Robin_of_Lockey

    Welcome back!

  11. marsgreekgod

    man just back like it’s nothing. glad I checked this place every day still

  12. Ether

    Oh wow! Great to see this comic return.

  13. leo_dragon_knight

    Keeping this in my bookmarks was worth it!

  14. Joeflo

    I’m not crying from sadness. I’m crying, because I’m happy. Welcome back.

  15. crazyredemu


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