Page 446
February 14th, 2014

Page 446


  1. LeRoy

    Love me some updates, comic’s still lookin’ shiny too!

  2. Ryex

    Hells yes, updates

  3. rifter

    Thanks for dem updates.

  4. Zorpheus

    Oh hey, this comic updates?

  5. Zee63

    I feel like Jack was just shoved into the bush like that.

  6. Meaty

    I think at this rate we’ll finish the current plotline by the year 2030.

    I joke of course, it’s just easy to forget authors have lives as well. I wouldn’t mind black and white again

  7. Luna

    FANTASTIC job, as per usual =D

  8. Proto

    I read through the archives over the course of a month and a half, ending at the comic before this one. That was sometime near the beginning of January. For I while there I was afraid that this comic died right when I discovered it. Look, it WASN’T ME, okay! I DIDN’T kill it! It was just a coincidence!

    …So anyway, just nice to see you’re continuing the comic, at any pace. Thanks for all the awesome!

  9. Gideon

    Yay updates 🙂

    Thanks Jamie. If you’re still in melbourne I wanna buy you a cold beverage.

  10. Robin of Loxley

    Nah Colour is the way to go !

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