Christmas 2012
December 24th, 2012

Christmas 2012

Everyone be good out there!

Comic resumes on January 28


  1. isaac

    Oh Christmas shark why do you have to spoil the surprise?

  2. Lord of Earth

    Sharky brought Jack Back From the Dead …. It’s a Christmas Miracle and Hi Cin !!!!

  3. Frostbite4.0

    Oh Christmas shark, you crack me up.

    And Jack’s alive for the Holidays! Yay!

  4. grayfoxpianist

    Oh, Christmas Shark, you’re always so thoughtful!

  5. alurker

    Awwww… Christmas Shark, you shouldn’t have… 😀

  6. Rachel

    Jack doesn’t look too thrilled about his return to life right now.

  7. quarktime

    So long as Jack doesn’t jump him, everything’s peachy.

  8. Sug Sivad

    This comic has made my day. Made it for realsies.

  9. Fuzzy

    Had to come here to get my dosage of annual Christmas Shark. I swear he gets bigger and bigger every year… Well beyond the average land-dwelling shark’s stature.

    Merry Christmas everybody. Enjoy your presents and eggnog.

  10. Question

    Question what is with the xmas shark

  11. Jamie

    The Christmas Shark is a magical fish that appears during Christmas with unclear intentions. Basically I felt sant was boring.

  12. Ooorah

    Hey, a real-life Christmas shark:

  13. Reynard-Miri

    Jamie, every time you post something down here, I imagine Max saying it.

    So it’s pretty much the best thing ever when you do.

  14. Blinnx

    The Christmas shark………he’s getting close to the end of his plan…..

  15. Ryexander

    oh Christmas shark. your not supposed to spoil the surprise!

    also is it just me or does he get bigger every year?

  16. wr4ith0

    I love ChristmasShark. He brought me two maps. One to a great treasure. One to a landmine. Neither was labeled.

  17. Zero_Starlight

    It’s Jeff The Shark and he’s got a bomb!!! RUUUUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

  18. Me

    Silly Jamie, sharks aren’t fish.

  19. Crestlinger

    To be fair that Would wake him up in a hurry.

  20. Robin of Loxley

    Yeah a stink bomb !!

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