Page 418
December 21st, 2012

Page 418

Maybe Max should have gone first.

Anyways what wrong with Jack I wonder? We’ll have to wait to find out I’m afraid because I’ll be taking a break from updating until the 28th of January. Maybe this is what the Mayans predicted.

And don’t worry, there *will* be a Christmas update on Monday so, yay!


  1. Frostbite4.0

    oh dear. Coma? I can still see heart beats

  2. Kramegame

    Well… fuck. I thought having to wait a weekend for a comic cliffhanger was torture… but you are just one sadistic son of a monkey’s uncle aren’t you?

  3. alurker

    Well, a lot of comics on my list are taking a christmas break. Not all on such a dire cliffhanger, but still…

    There’d better be Christmas Shark. *stern look*

  4. Loopy Fish Schnitzel

    Farewell Jack R.I.P !!

  5. ROM!

    Hey sweet! 28th January is my birthday.

  6. Robert

    All of the romance in the air just shriveled up and died in the corner.

  7. The Flaming Squirrel

    Well, that was unexpected. Have a nice nap, Jack! You deserve it.

  8. Kirk

    Anyways what wrong with Jack I wonder? We’ll have to wait to find out I’m afraid because I’ll be taking a break from updating until the 28th of January. Maybe this is what the Mayans predicted.


  9. DangIt

    Youuuuuuuu bitch!

  10. Kramegame

    DangIt, that’s exactly what I said when I read it. XD

  11. wr4ith0

    Jack is allergic to space.

  12. catsruuuule

    i seriously thought max and scarf girl were gonna kiss. Romance DIED 🙁

  13. Meaty

    Why would she mention Jack right then and kill the mood? Did she just cockblock HERSELF?

  14. Lord of Earth

    So methinks this is similar to what happened to Miles !!!!

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