Page 414
December 7th, 2012

Page 414

She’s going to become a really intense mum.


  1. Riftblade


    Still an awesome comic as always, Jamie!

  2. vash_ts

    she is going to marry a blond cool dude, have a son, and teach him how to deal with knifes, to avoid him getting defeated as she did!

  3. yoshierider

    Is she looking guilty right now?

  4. Uru

    What a puppy-dog face. I want to take it home.

  5. shadowinthelight

    “What’s gonna happen to her?”

    “If nobody wants her she’ll probably be put to sleep.”

    “Fine, I guess I’ll marry her then.”

  6. Shush

    Digging the black and white. It keeps coming at a nice pace, but something keeps bugging me. What is the color is the dyed stripe in Lilly’s hair supposed to be?!

  7. Zero_Starlight

    “Alright, if you PROMISE not to make me stop being a brooding hero, I guess you can come live with me.”

    “Can I throw knives at our hypothetical son at random intervals to train his reflexes?”

    “Only if it doesn’t kill him.”

    “YAY! X3”

    – Zero

  8. Roborat

    Oh noes, those puppy dog eyes in panel 2. Take her home, you have nothing to worry about, it’s not like she is a trained killer or something. Oh, right.

  9. Jamie

    @Shush: she has a red streak.

  10. Wheat77

    Amazing chapter. B&W ended up being way more amazing than I expected.

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