Page 403
October 16th, 2012

Page 403

Looks like I’m gonna have  to juuump!


  1. Calvin Copyright

    Lilly: (O.O)
    Jack’s dad:( ಠಠ)

    Wow, what kind of idiot throws ninja stars at the girl he’s trying to rescue??

  2. wwlaos

    He was not sent here to rescue you, silly. You’re a liability now.

  3. This Guy

    Well, one of you is right

  4. Fuzzy

    Lilly’s Dexterity: 100
    Tom’s Dexterity: 3

    The enemy of his enemy becomes his wife! Classic.

  5. Zero_Starlight

    That a melting pokeball in the last panel? Because it kinda looks like a melting pokeball.

    – Zero

  6. thomas blackriver

    is it just me, or was that line pulled directly from dangeresque?

  7. Omniscia

    @Thomas: I noticed that, too! =D

    Looks like they both have pretty good reflexes, but Mr. Cannon needs to work on his landings.

  8. Biligum

    Indeed, Homestar Runner reference is fantastic. 😛

  9. Sug Sivad

    Zero, its that other guards head, with his crumpled body. And dang, those triangles are about as aerodynamic as a keyboard.

  10. The Aussie Bloke

    I told you they were here to extract her in a body bag!

  11. Biscuit

    I what?

  12. James

    Why do I think of a James Bond Film when I see this ? O_0

  13. Rachel

    They are the knives he was holding. The back of the is what we’re seeing in panel three. It’s hard to get that kind of perspective, especially without shading. Love the Dangeresque quote! 😀 And looks like Lilly is going to have a boss battle!

  14. vash_ts

    watch out! he is throwing deku nuts!

  15. drakvl

    I’m still not entirely convinced that’s a guy.

  16. Some random stranger

    First panel…

    ‘Wait, those are actual triangles!’

    Last panel…

    ‘Aaarg, not the triangles! My head is now melting!’

    That’s my first impression of this page.

  17. Ventnor

    So wait, Lily is Dangeresque?

    That makes so much sense that it is scary.

  18. Well of Three Features

    That’s it.

  19. SomeUnregPunk

    Looks like a test.
    Toss some knives into you teammate with her “hostage”
    If teammate used hostage as a shield, then she is still fine with your group
    if teammate instead protects herself and her “hostage” then kill teammate.

  20. jmkool


  21. Speedy

    Apparently, her big mouth has become too much of a liability.

    “Is it just you, Adrian, or are Booth, Oswald, and Brutus here to kill me, too? I told all of you I’d never spill your names under interrogation, and I didn’t. By the way, my night shift guard agrees with me, Oswald could’ve done the job just fine by himself. You didn’t need to send Booth as a backup”

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