Page 397
September 10th, 2012

Page 397

It’s that guy.


  1. Ludo

    Well, that was quick. I hope Tom’s replacement is mutilated.

  2. Sug Sivad

    Either that new guy screwed up BAD, or Lily coulda left aaaaany time she pleased.

  3. Kramegame

    Oh Tom… you knew this was coming…

  4. Aetheron

    It was only a matter of time.
    Harvey… why does he look so familiar…?

  5. Zero_Starlight

    … I was about to comment on how Harvey seems to have the most square shaped jaw in all existence, and then I realized…

    He looks like Craig.

  6. Zeb

    It’s like everyone and their mother worked for M.I.

    It’s the principal! He must have shrunk his jaw or something when he quit M.I. to be a teacher. She must have escaped when the guys came to switch her cells and/or clean out the puke.

  7. Sparks

    Oh, hi, future-General!

  8. mmm122

    I hope sometime here we get to see where Max Facepuncher’s gigantic eyebrows came from.

  9. shadowinthelight

    “I hope sometime here we get to see where Max Facepuncher’s gigantic eyebrows came from.”
    They didn’t come from anywhere. Such powerful entities could only have willed themselves into being.

  10. Tsapki

    -chuckles- Indeed, shadowinthelight. Just like Gordito’s manly mustache from Dr. McNinja. Sheer force of will.

  11. Nat

    “It’s that guy.”

    Oh my God- He’s channeling Tom from GKC! Beware of enigmatic, confusingly motivated characters and ominous foreshadowing!

  12. James

    Harvey Lockwood !!

  13. Aetheron

    @ James and Zeb: My goodness, I think you’re right!

  14. Reynard-Miri

    I’m really digging younger Tom Cannon.

  15. Sug Sivad

    Perhaps this story of origins will show us a baby Miles Cannon! Miles Gatling Cannon? Eh?

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