Page 378
May 14th, 2012

Page 378

Jones knows about brains.


  1. Frostbite4.0

    is there anything jones can’t do?

  2. gangler

    So Gavin seemed to be protecting a whole boatload of hackers who weren’t useful to the cause. MI is performing mindwipes on individuals they deem dangerous. Jack’s parents, the only particularly reliable font wisdom in the cast, feel that MI is not to be trusted and treats them in an almost antagonistic fashion.

    Gavin’s crimes now that I stop and consider them. The list starts with making a show of beating some up a schoolboy who messed with one of his own. Taking Jack’s parents hostage in order to create a truce. Aside from that every criminal act of his that I can recall is very distinctly acting against MI. Plus even when he shut down all their defenses and marched on in he kept the casualties pretty minimal and just jailbroke a couple of his guys. Presumably to take him to the space station safe-haven now that civilian life had been made unfeasible for them. Mostly it all seems pretty reactory. Responding to various threats against his kind.

    Meanwhile MI did whatever alienated Jack’s parents. The Chief keeps his daughter or niece in a position of high clearance in a blatant display of nepotism. They imprisoned Craig, but they also imprisoned that other kid who by my recollection was guilty of nothing more than having been hacked into a monstrosity and forced to act against his will. They’ve got some guy locked up maintaining their defenses, unable to ever leave his post. Apparently he’s capable of performing mindwipes too, and they are capable of forcing him to do so despite his protests. I mean there’s pretty severe indication that this Jones fellow is a high level hacker they’ve placed into some manner of forced internment and slave labour situation. Their highest ranked operative is Max Facepuncher a violent loose cannon who beats schoolchildren for shits and giggles. His counterpart on the hacker side would be Grin.

    MI is riddled with secrets. The hackers seem pretty open despite the masks. Gavin in particular seemed to be actively trying to share information but nobody was in a listening mood for pretty understandable reasons.

    Anyone else starting to feel like we’re grouped with the bad guys? It’s like the hackers are the homo superior and somehow we got involved in the subjugation end of things. I mean, it doesn’t help that the first guy we met was basically the Toad of the group. Since then though we’ve met a pretty wide range of hackers with different personalities and motives, and aside from a combat hacker who took a little bit too much pleasure in his work I can’t think of anyone we’ve seen that was distinctly evil or harmful. Considering what Craig showed us about the dangers of even mundane scuzzbaggery from somebody with godpowers that actually speaks pretty well of the overall morality of the group. Certainly there haven’t been any immoral people in positions of authority in the Hacker’s organization, which is leaps and bounds more than we can say about MI.

    I mean, it’s nothing definite, but it just seems like we’re starting to have sufficient cause to doubt the presupposed moral positioning of the two organizations. It’d certainly be interesting if this developed into Jack and Crystal teaming up to take down MI.

  3. marca311

    Relax, it’s the government, they can get away with anything. (Unless it threatens our internets)

  4. Ether101

    Relax? Their messing with the fundamentals of reality by screwing with peoples’ minds meaning that their no better then the hackers.

  5. Daxis

    Hahah, holy shites this comic just keeps getting better, even after climaxing with the ultimate reality distorting antagonist(?). The (?) to whether he’s the actual antagonist really, really makes this comic worthwhile.


    This arc is getting pretty long if you ask me..

  7. Jamie

    We’re in the home stretch now.


    Great, I really can’t wait to see what happens next. I want to see MOAR FACEPUNCHING!!!

  9. Ether101

    And now we find out that Craig wasn’t so bad before MI mind wiped him the first time.

  10. gangler

    Oh my goodness. That would actually make perfect sense. He was a perfectly cool and sweet guy who at some point underwent a massive personality alteration around the same time he started learning to hack. Angel assumed it was a hormones thing, but I mean we’ve seen Craig. It’s not like he’s just awkward with girls or doesn’t know how to handle a romantic relationship. He’s just a full-blown asshole. Even to his friends. Hormones don’t just make you wake up one morning having lost all social graces and goodwill/kindness, viewing women as objects and suddenly delusional to a probably diagnosable degree. At the very least some aspects of his old personality should be manifesting themselves in his interactions with his guy friends.

    I mean seriously, the before and after shots are a pretty stark difference here. By the sounds of things the transformation occurred over a very short period of time. He was still himself before he asked her out, he just had become interested in Angel in ways he was not previously, but still overall the same guy and Angel liked him enough at that point to give him a shot. Then we go from there to him becoming a frightening halfway insane bundle of jealousy, rage, and misogyny. Then he disappears and learns hacking in a week? I don’t know for sure but I strongly suspect that hacking generally takes more than a week to learn. Almost as if he was just relearning something he once knew.

    Which makes it even worse because presumably before the mindwipe he wasn’t bothering anyone or being destructive despite his hacking knowledge. He was just a cool guy who happened to dabble in hacking in his off hours.

    All speculation of course but it makes a stupid amount of sense.

  11. Foxhack

    … so I just read through the entire archive.

    Yep. I want more please.

  12. Biscuit

    Not that these aren’t ideas aren’t all interesting and such, and I’m all for storyline predictions to a degree
    But don’t you guys think we should leave this stuff to Jamie and trust in jamie’s writing abilities?

  13. Biscuit

    Not nessecarily in that order

  14. Stig Hemmer

    We still don’t know who made Gavin…

  15. Nirron

    They are just haveing fun. I kinda doubt MI will ever be presented as villains, but I’ve got a feeling they are more than a bit grey.
    As we know already.
    Either way, I don’t really care. as long as it is awesome.

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    Magnifique article, persiste de cette façon

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  18. yoshierider

    I’m guessing Jones is a hacker.

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