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March 26th, 2012

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Yesterday was my birthday, have a comic.


  1. Kunfyoozd

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Kunfyoozd

    And Also: Thanks!

  3. gangler

    Every bone in my body would tell me not to be the first teleportation attempt for the inexperienced operator.

  4. Kunfyoozd

    Furthermore: Fir- Nah. Not gonna be that guy 🙂

  5. Lunar

    “Still bleeding”
    Love how you can just forget about max like that ^.^

  6. Dyne

    You know…Craig is missing.
    Thanks for the comic, happy birthday!

  7. FanXplosion

    Happy Birthday! And yay for the comic! Things are looking up! I am worried though. Seems so… Easy… Oh wait, right Jack couldn’t actually hurt gavin, it wasn’t easy. Right? IS GAVIN DEAD?! OH GOD TELL ME HE’S DEAD! I hope he doesn’t have other back-ups 🙁

  8. Shawwah?! Man

    Happy Birthday!
    Seriously, forget someone that epic is just wrong. “Still bleeding…”

  9. James

    Happy Birthday to you … Happy Birthday to you …
    You live in a shoe… And you draw Comics too… Ummm
    Happy Birthday to you … 0_o

    ; D

  10. Nirron

    I think we have all been in maxs’ situation before. particularly when grocery shopping with my sis… but I digress.

    Ya know, beginning to wonder if Gavins death was a good thing… remember his little analogy? paraphrased: “…Yes kids with god powers! you should be terrified!”
    “but I hold the leash…”
    I don’t think there are many hackers on Gavins level. but Gavin had restraint. even someone, or several people, with a quarter of his power where to use it unrestrained bad things could happen… and now no one holds the leash.

    fun times.

  11. Nirron

    Also, very happy late Birthday.

  12. Draconia Crystalis

    I get the feeling that Gavin wouldn’t just have one ENORMOUS weak point that could be exploited for “Instant Dead”. He probably pulled a Voldemort and has more of those mainframes on standby set to boot up in turn as each is destroyed.

  13. TheMightyKamina

    Happy day after you’re birthday, bro!

  14. Scidude

    Happy day-after-your-birthday!!!

    And thanks, I will have a comic. And it was good too 🙂

  15. Whistle-Tall

    My birthday was also yesterday…
    Happy birthday!

  16. hobiephil

    Happy day after! Keep ’em coming,

  17. sirbacon

    “You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.”

  18. gangler

    @Nirron: While I’m hesitant to believe that Gavin’s dead for real that’s an excellent point. For all the problems we had with him, Gavin was ultimately a villain who could be worked with and some might even argue that he was a force for good. Kept the worst of the hackers in check. Provided shelter for the hackers who were living nonviolently. Even if the next leader has nothing exemplary about his hacking abilities at all this could easily be the “Shit gets real” moment, and the same could be true of someone with just a fraction of his power even without taking over the position of leadership.

  19. Ramani-Rayne

    Happy birthday!
    Poor Max. And while we’re at it, poor Jack, too. Hopefully he’ll be off the station soon.

  20. Ramani-Rayne

    Oh, and in reply to the twitter comment: “I sincerely hope today’s comic page contains enough purple.”
    NO. NOT NEARLY ENOUGH. 😀 (kidding)

  21. Fiery Diamond

    Happy Birthday! You share a birthday (but not date of birth, since different year…) with a good friend of mine. Random coincidence yay!

  22. tehbeefer

    well, the walls are still there, and they’re hacked too. It’s an indirect hack. The teleporter’s been made; it’s there.

  23. gangler

    Following up on the new villain theory. Gavin’s death makes perfect sense if we assume there were elements in this battle that were unaccounted for. Which begs the question of who teleported Jack into the base and for what purpose. I smell a coup d’etat.

  24. Nealran

    As a fellow March birthday, hope it was a good one!

  25. aqua

    that scares me. “i think i can figure this out, stand on that pad”

  26. Totz the Plaid

    You know, I can’t remember ever going grocery shopping with Nirron’s sister… #ObligatorySmartassResponse

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