Page 361
January 30th, 2012

Page 361



  1. HiroOdan

    I used to be dead, but then I took a knife to the head… wait…

  2. DammitDoug

    Goddammit, Gavin. God. Dammit.

  3. gangler

    If that knife would’ve killed him he wouldn’t have let you thrust it through his cranium would he Jack?

  4. Delusional

    Why don’t you take a nap…


  5. Riku

    Yeeeeeah, I think we all saw this coming. Is someone going to come out of the woodworks to save him? I choose you, Grin!

  6. Cope

    Yeah, well, you look like you have a knife in your head.

  7. shadowinthelight

    Why do I have Nine Inch Nails’ “Head Like a Hole” playing in my head?

  8. ThisGuy

    gavin beats on jack, girls try to stop gavin with the comp.
    too slow, max protects jack from a death blow and dies(?)
    jack gets the revenergy to not die yet
    grin saves the day at the last minute by pinning down gavin via hack, then hacking the comp to end it. (not sure what method)

  9. James

    Should have used his Jar of Dirt !!!!! ; D

  10. Shawwah?! Man

    Reminds me of when Scott Pilgrim was going to beat Gideon in the movie.

  11. ManofAwesome

    Reminds me of that time I kept shooting this guy in TF2 and he just wouldn’t die.

  12. Ignis

    Hmm…Jack’s approaching critical mass, and probably will be out of steam – willpower can only do so much for brain trauma. Max is on death’s door, and one good jolt will cause him to bleed out rather instantaneously. Crystal is in good condition, but has been subdued rather easily by Gavin before. Angel is a non combatant, but has had success with stopping a hack attacks via random clicking. Grin is a wildcard, and while it’s possible she could help, it can be inferred that since she didn’t just “fix” Gavin without his permission she lacks the power to confront him. Gavin is still playing around in God Made. Craig is down, but considering the breadth of his roid/nerd rage, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets the jump on Jack (or just summon hacks a gun up and shoots the poor guy while he’s kneeling in pain or something).

    Honestly, the odds are not good. Crystal needs to grab her scarf and start breaking those server things soon.

  13. Ryex

    I love how I don;t even have to completely type the word “fancy” into my chrome browser bar to get the auto complete to give me this site. just “fan” is enough.

    Also, most all of us saw this coming. Gavin is about to end it.
    also, I’m calling it now at at the end of this fight, SOMEONE dies. it could be Max, Crystal, Angle or Grin or Gavin. Gavin is probably the least likely to die. heck, depending on how long Jamie was planing to carry on this comic and if this is the end Jack might die. but I doubt that. Bottom line, some one dies.

  14. Swot

    Well, at least he will have more trouble snapping his fingers, right?

    Yeah, this isn’t looking good.
    But it is looking awesome!

  15. booper

    Another reason why Gavin is just plain awesome.

  16. JesseJamesAndCompany

    I have just LOVED the last few pages.
    Jack must have passed the clinically insane point by now.

    And I love it!

  17. arkcine

    well, man, you have a knife though your head. not mush we can do for that. how are you even alive? seriously,how? and what will unplugging that computer do? well only one way to find out that last one…

  18. Tollymain

    Swot, Gavin doesn’t need to snap his fingers. It’s just an affectation. The real hacking action occurs in the servers, where his consciousness is.

  19. Arch Angel

    You cannot kill that which does not live. AKA a computer program. For the fourth time, CRASH THE

  20. Arch Angel

    COMPUTERS! Sorry, keyboard glitch.

  21. Meaty


  22. charlesda9

    I would personally love if it was revealed that Gavin turned out to be Jacks brother. It sounds unlikely I know, and currently irrelevant, but we know that he had a brother who supposedly died. Maybe his parents lied to him at a young age when they’re son became a hacker…

  23. Ghastly Girl

    Wait, I think I finally get it. Maybe that body was Gavin’s human body and the video journal entries are him. Maybe he found a way to transfer his soul into the body he’s in now, which isn’t actually a body, so as he’s beat up and getting knives thrown into him, it’s not actually hurting him. So he’s basically immortal.
    Either that, or he turns out to be Jack’s long loss missing brother, like charlesda9 said.
    Makes sense, ammitight?

  24. Gessador

    Oh, I get it. Gavin is a hacker, i.e. a computer geek times eleven. Meaning
    *Glasses on*
    he already has no life
    *Glasses off*
    That’s why Jack cannot kill him.

  25. H_T


  26. sirbacon

    “Don’t you think he looks tired?”

  27. Lunar

    (SPOILER ALLERT FOR MMBN3) Why does this remind me of MMBN3 when Alpha ate Bass and Dr. Wiley, then Megaman pwned Alpha but then Megaman died to save Lan from Alpha only to be brought back to life using data Dr. Hakari got from Lans grandfather…?

  28. SmilingAhab

    @Lunar because I think Inafune used to get stoned and watch soap operas, and use them for new Megaman games.

  29. dudess

    You appear to be in a temporal loop of sorts; Gavin can’t die, and Jack can’t die cause he’s the title character and can’t be hacked

  30. Vega

    Even if Jack died, he’d just punch his way back into the land of the living. He might need Craig’s nasally voice as a target, though.

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