Page 346
November 21st, 2011

Page 346



  1. tehbeefer

    “Upload self: Y/N?”

  2. LtFusion

    Gavin’s original body?…

  3. somedude

    i bet that is Gavins body. and also 2nd

  4. somedude


  5. mmm122

    Death room… o.O I wonder who died.

  6. Ignis

    If that’s Galvin’s old body, why didn’t Galvin immediately die when Jack punched him? He’s practically made of hack then…well, scratch that – Jack didn’t reverse that one guy when he punched him…

  7. Turambar


    They found Gavin

    Also that explains the smell. I thought it was just Max.

  8. Ventnor

    I dunno. It could be Frankie.

    I forget where we last saw him, so…

  9. Disconnected

    To well preserved to be Gavin I’m Betting Miles.

  10. Shawwah?! Man

    That probably is Gavin, thing is, WHO THE HECK LEAVES THEIR DEAD BODY AROUND?! Also, despite Max dying, he still won’t stop cracking jokes! :)) You know… Why doesn’t that body have skin? It looks like it’s wearing half a white suit of some sort. UNLESS…. Crystal and Angel VS. Hacked-Up Zombies…of hackiness.

  11. Scidude

    It’s gotta be Miles. Miles was learning how to hack, and figured out how to upload his conscienceless into a hacked being. He did so, and his real body is still in the room where it all happened. Miles took on the handle “Gavin” and built the station around his room to protect his original body, because likely if anything happens to the real Mile, Gavin goes bye-bye.

  12. Ether101 Prime

    I’m betting the head or brain is missing.

  13. James

    Gavin’s old sex slave !!!!!!! HA !

  14. James

    Oh wait a minute remember the picture Grin was looking at in her room maybe this is that person she said that she wished that she had saved..or something !!!!!

  15. James

    Either way it’s getting goood !!

  16. Tsapki

    To Disconnected

    -nods- Possible, but I’m sure you may notice tons of people are pointing that Gavin and Miles might be the same person.

  17. James

    Now I definitely can’t wait till Fridays update !!!!

  18. Thomas

    OMG!!! I bet it was the real Gavin and the one fighting is a copy or a clone. That would explain why he is so violent now. Or maybe he is a robot.

  19. Shawwah?! Man

    @Scidude *FACE PALM* Why didn’t I think of that?! Of course it could be Miles! And, if the Cannons just assumed that Miles just died, then maybe that could be how he escaped into this freakin’ space station that he hacked up!

    I am guessing that Miles never made it to high school. Maybe he ran off, started hacking for a few years, then ended up here. If this is the situation, that would explain why he isn’t being so smart here. Hypothetically, that IS Miles Cannon, if his lack of knowledge is true, he would really just protect it with glass. If I were Gavin, I would probably put some reinforced steel or something. Am I right?

    Also, please let Max live on! He’s almost as epic as Jack!

  20. LiveLife2TheMax

    i bet thats gavins body and red and white gavin is his puppet, every time re and white gavin gets hurt the original body takes damage…… gavin could be miles….. since miles was learning how to hack

  21. booper

    Crap. Now I need to remember who miles was.

  22. booper

    Or figure out who miles is.

  23. taltamir

    I bet its the discarded corporeal body of gavin

  24. Caylex

    Miles is Jack’s dead brother. Hey guys, sometimes, in fantasy stories, dead people are really dead and it’s not some elaborate ruse. Did that occur to you?

  25. model S

    @caylex: yea, but that’s no fun. besides, it’s all wild mass guessing all in good fun. which has been doubled, because corpses always make for fun wild mass guessing.

  26. Shawwah?! Man


    What he said. ^

  27. booper

    I had always thought of a weird twist being that Gavin is Jacks brother. All this guessing is getting me excited for the next page tommorrow 😀

  28. James


  29. aqua

    well new page is already up but im still ganna post my guess of what happened here.
    That is Gavin’s original body to rid him self of emotions such as anger, pride and such he created a hack body that didn’t have all of the different neural-chemicals, adrenaline and such that are the physical basis for our emotions. he then transferred his consciousnesses like a computer file. his friend had mentioned how he had changed, how she had wanted to save him, and how she gave up. transference of data could lead to corruption.

  30. CyberSkull

    Will the real Gavin please st-oh, never mind.

  31. Crestlinger

    …and that’s when the facehugger burst into the room.

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