Page 325
September 9th, 2011

Page 325

Let this be a lesson, everyone: Don’t cut off legs in malice.

I’ve been plugging away at my tumblr at least once a day with new and old art if you are interested in that sort of thing.


  1. DracoDrago

    First? Oh, this is amazing. Keep up the good work, loving every page of it!

  2. Deeweromekoms


  3. Kunfyoozd


  4. Jamie


  5. Jamie

    (I win a prize too)

  6. fairportfan

    Some things you do because they’re necessary (last panel).

    Some things you do because they make you feel good!

  7. CHT

    You ever wondered why max didn’t ‘kill’ him?

  8. Lazy J

    lol i love how he just gives him a max facepuncher love tap but the best part is the one panel pause

  9. SovietCommissar

    The last one’s like…”mercy!” And Max sayeth with his fist, “okay.”

  10. grayfoxpianist

    Mm. Cleets are a bitch.

  11. LostInPhilly89

    The last panel made my day! Keep up the great work Jamie!

  12. Raiser

    You are now aware that the last three panels depict him sliding on the unconscious hacker (one) to a slow stop (two) before the love tap (three).

    As depicted by the motion lines that are a tad thin to see too well at a quick perusal.

  13. This Guy

    Fuckin A

  14. Ryex

    a Max Facepuncher love tap is equivalent to the average human’s full strength upper cut.
    K.O.’s LIKE A BAWS!

  15. kryvian

    Epic action pages, loving it.

  16. Valentine

    damn face punchers a force of nature…

  17. Salty


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