Page 324
September 5th, 2011

Page 324

They didn’t get him.

A new Nerd Train will be pulling into the podcast station later today.


  1. Merks

    hah a ‘Challenge Accepted’ face

    also dam no skin on arm and still kicking ass

  2. Xaviertrix

    I thought Max couldn’t get any more badass.
    And then he shook off having his arm blown open.

    … Jamie, I think you’ve just broken the Internets.
    With awesome.

  3. gangler

    Waiting for one of the hackers to accuse Max of being unable to punch faces anymore now that his dominant hand has no epidermis.

  4. kunfyoozd

    Max’s epidermis was just padding to make his punches hurt less. Now it’s time to bring the pain.

  5. James

    MY GOD!!!!!!…His Hand !!!!!!!! ; O

  6. SovietCommissar

    Holy shit awesome.

  7. Emilio

    Facekick much?

  8. This Guy

    When his adrenaline wanes, that is going to STING SO BAD.
    But he’ll probably try to man through it.

  9. Flaming squirrel

    I’m curious as to why it’s only his hand that is burnt so badly. His whole body caught that explosion. Still, it’s a cool way to show how tough he is ^_^

  10. Jamie

    Whatever it was he punched ignited that explosion. His arm caught the worst of it and uh.. just… just go with it. \:D

  11. Jackal

    My first thought on seeing his skinless arm was that the smoke was highly acidic or something. Having the skin burnt off in the explosion makes more sense.

  12. LostInPhilly89

    Something tells me that Max is not done with Manic….

  13. dreddy71

    you could aways go with it was gust the force of the shrapnel from the exploding bot..
    ut when his hand is out, looks like he just becomes max facekicker.

  14. phildog

    Wow, that’s gonna be a kick ass scar.

  15. Mightysmiley

    Sir I think Max has just broke the EPICNESS threshold allowed for one lifetime.

  16. grayfoxpianist

    Jesus Christ. Hxc.

  17. Arch Angel

    @Mightysmiley: Max broke that threshold long ago. He just broke it for the second time.

  18. DracoDrago

    Max’s arm went through what I can only assume to be equivalent to sheet metal… could you imagine punching your arm through jagged metal? If it didn’t scrape off the top layer of skin going in, the explosion and being knocked back definitely saw to that.

  19. Caylex

    NOOOOOO! Not the other wristband!

    Oh, black wristband… you will always be in my heart. You died a hero. You are… the Unknown Soldier.

  20. Lazy J

    oh sweet jesus that must hurt go max!

    i bet when the adrenalin rush ends thats gonna hurt real bad

  21. Ether101 Prime

    I guess the force of Max’ punch cased the the explosion to move way form his body.

  22. Mightysmiley

    @Arch Angel

  23. MadCatThirteen

    All I can think of is “Red Right Hand”…

  24. Flink

    Max left a red stain on Manic…

  25. Repster

    The reason Max seems unharmed is he quite clearly punched the explosion away from the rest of his body.

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