Page 317
August 12th, 2011

Page 317


  1. Triscy

    Is it just me, or is Grin extremely likable and cute in that last panel?

  2. LtFusion

    JAMIE! Why must you make me wait a few days to know what’s to come after that ellipsis… D:

  3. CHT

    Cause he has to finish the artwork and editing. It’s tough for him you know.

  4. gangler

    Aww. Now I’m sad.

  5. grayfoxpianist

    “Lately”? Implying the hackers once helped people? Or that they only did petty things like pushing over cows via hacking thinking they were hot shit?
    And I agree, Grin is cute here. Like a daughter asking her father an innocent question.

  6. Lazy J

    hmm me thinks Grin is about to say bye bye gavin you’ve changed too much i cant work for you anymore

  7. "It's just...

    … you’re kinda being a huge dick for no apparent reason right now.”

  8. Hardcore Gamer

    It’s just…I became a hacker to save the world, not destroy it. If you truly believe that you are saving the world, then you are truly lost.

  9. Caylex

    The hackers still work for Gavin, and in return they get to be hackers and screw around with reality and NOT be killed or turned into monsters.

    I’ve always kind of liked Grin, but I didn’t know why. I guess she’s not a huge dick like all the other, immature hackers.

  10. SovietCommissar

    Grin’s back! Woo.

    Also, I kinda see a parallel to Anonymous right now – vigilantes and such, except maybe gone a bit wrong…

    P.S. Crystal and Grin both remain “cute”, if that’s the word.

  11. Biscuit

    Next comic: grin professes her live for facepuncher and refuses to carry out gavins orders…WHAT?! You know you were all thinking it.

  12. Biscuit


  13. Ryex


  14. James

    “It’s Just”…What ?

  15. Fairus

    Inizialmente tutti osannavano The Conduit perch gli auorti mostravano di avere l’intenzione di spremere fino in fondo le potenzialit grafiche della console : per la maggior parte degli utenti questo bastava a giustificarne l’acquisto, il gameplay, la trama e l’originalit non sono discussi nemmeno lontanamente in alcuno dei commenti qui elencati, il che equivale a dire “Purch non sfiguri graficamente, lo compro”.Poi nel corso dei mesi, grazie ai vari trailer si iniziato a delineare un magior spessore della struttura narrativa, nonch del gameplay, il che un bene ma non comunque fondamentale: “The Conduit” sar un immenso successo commerciale su scala planetaria a prescindere in quanto non esiste un possibile rivale a contendersi i soldi dell’utenza (Metroid Prime 3 ha gi un anno e mezzo sul groppone e gli appassionati lo hanno gi finito in tutte le salse), inoltre il 2009 si sta rivelando avaro di sorprese Insomma, faccio il tifo per High Voltage nella speranza che non deluda le nostre aspettative ma, siamo sinceri, in un contesto normale in cui i giochi di qualit non si facciano desiderare, probabilmente non lo avremmo desiderato a tal punto

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