Page 311
July 22nd, 2011

Page 311

Gotta go do whats gotta be done.


  1. Johnny Whoa

    Uh… That’s not a ship, Gav. That’s just the one guy. Killing all of your guys.

  2. BluerzGooerz

    no….Gavin wouldn’t dare killing her!
    Well…actually he would…

  3. Diggin' It

    She looks so sad in panel three… I just want to pat her on the back, and be like,
    “Hey, don’t worry. Your Soon-To-Be Knight in Shining Armour is punching his way through an army for you!”

  4. grayfoxpianist

    Crystal is hot. Also
    “More the fool me”? *than, maybe?
    Sorry, I know I must seem like an asshole sometimes… I lub you and your work, Jamie!

  5. Merks

    oh snap!

  6. Jamie

    “more the fool me” is right. hes saying it like “that was pretty silly of me, I guess.”

  7. gangler

    God I love this aspect of Gavin.

  8. Frostbite4.0

    So does this mean Gavin is admitting he’s wrong?
    Also, with that mask, i can’t help but imagine him talking in a cheery way. it makes his death threat all the more sinister

  9. James

    At last suspence …

  10. Meaty

    It’s funny because she’s screwed. Is it wrong I actually hope Gavin kills her? I mean, I like her character and I’m pretty sure she won’t end up dead by the end of this arc, but it would probably make max a bit less likely to do that again. Then again, he would probably spend the next 5 chapters angsting, so nevermind then! The last thing we want here is wangst.

  11. Arch Angel

    Uh oh.

  12. vash_ts

    Page 311: “the part when he kills you”

    Ok, this is the part when i kill you…

  13. grayfoxpianist

    Gotcha, my bad. Not much makes sense at 1 in the morning to me, aha. I like that phrase, though!

  14. phildog

    Interesting. Right now, Gavin’s got this really cool Joker evil going for him. The kind of evil that characters recognize and acknowledge as bad, but still think he’s wicked cool for how he pulls everything off.

    If Gavin actually Crystal, this could be his Moral Event Horizon, the point where he does something so (relatively) evil that no one, not even the audience, can look past it. He turns from a character we love to hate, to character we simply hate.

  15. Crisdraks

    I think Gavin killing Crystal is just being coherent with what he said. And he has never lied before…
    I’ll actually love him more after this.

    This page is awesome, as is the whole comic. I’ve been reading for more than a year and this is the first comment I’ve ever made. Keep up the good work Jamie 🙂

    Greetings from Chile.

  16. Savian_3

    OK Gavin is an awesome charecter but with everything that has happened, you’ve really got to question his motives.
    Well keep up the good work!

  17. Bob

    That’s not a spaceship… that’s a… oh wait…

  18. Crestlinger

    If you made it so Gavin could no longer snap his fingers would he be harmless? Vaseline to gloves Would do the trick.

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