Page 310
July 18th, 2011

Page 310

Max makes himself at home.

There is a new Nerd Train podcast over at also.


  1. Imakuni

    Max’s punches are very visible.

  2. Juerujin

    Huh …. they got to talk … a lot. Max must really be injured … people are actually getting time to think before getting face-punched.

  3. Tsapki

    Some might say -intrigued stroking of fake goatee- too visible.

  4. James Treacey

    Ahh… We were having so much fun till Gavin spoiled it… Ahhh !!!!! ; P

  5. gangler

    He just punched someone with that scarf didn’t he?

  6. taltamir

    not just facepuncher… MAX facepuncher…
    Your face goes boom!

  7. RaeMina

    If I was a hacker mook, I’d prolly be the one with the ‘o3o’ mask

  8. grayfoxpianist

    Panel 3 is glorious.
    And Crystal can take Gavin. Maybe.

  9. LuPercy

    oh geez. TriFacepunch! the scarf just increased his max dps by a factor of 2.

  10. Meaty

    Well, crystals screwed. Nice one max!

  11. LostInPhilly89

    Pros: watching Hackers get punched in the face.
    Cons: Max may have kinda, maybe signed Crystal’s death warrant.

  12. CHT

    Not if max can save crystal first.

  13. Ryan B.

    The last panel really reminds me of “limp-wristed fist” from page 10.

  14. Carrol Dowler

  15. Dragonfodder

    He said No. With his fist.

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