Page 306
July 4th, 2011

Page 306


The latest (and “final”) It’s a Thing Podcast has been posted!


  1. mikedc

    is that a nosebleed? damn… thats one powerful machine.

  2. mikedc

    oh wait.. punch to the face.. nevermind.

  3. gangler

    So is this the first indication that in addition to hacking there’s regular futuristic tech? Because I would not have guessed the setting to be possessed of teleporters.

  4. Spastic typer

    Okay, unless that machine somehow gave Jack a nosebleed, I’m VERY disappointed in him.

  5. Xaviertrix

    No matter how much magic, hacking, or teleportation gets in the way, that fist was fated to meet Craig’s face with a crack and a nah.

  6. Nicholas Joyce

    Oh crap.

  7. Seros Senric

    Hey… That teleporter looks like the one I had…

  8. grayfoxpianist

    Not another nosebleed… Jack should invest in Nasonex, might help when he resists hacks.

  9. Re:2

    I demand that VOIP!CRACK be made into an official word.

  10. Johnny WHoa

    Anyone else get the feeling we’re about to meet Jones?

  11. AdvancedFlea

    Jacks nosebleeds and the hackers…not good

  12. Juerujin

    Overarching tones of purple … I’ll hazard a guess and bet that it’s probably Gavin or something to do with the hackers

  13. yoshierider

    Craig actually punched hard enough to give a nosebleed? I guess we shouldn’t under-estimate the power of a limp-wristed fist.

  14. Johnny WHoa

    It takes practically no force to cause a nosebleed. He got decked, guys. It’s not the hack thing.

  15. ghiacciato

    I just read the whole comic from the beginning. Having to stop here and wait for the new update is a completely new experience for me. D:

  16. DukeGod

    Jack YOU FOOL!
    You facepunched through space! How obvious can that be?
    Max’d be proud

  17. gangler

    I think facepunching without punching through space would actually be more impressive…

  18. Mercury

    SHA-, VOIP, and Crack. Very nice.

  19. Blaze

    This like a very Scot P. moment.

  20. Mrs. Fidget

    Wow – just finished an archive crawl – awesome comic! cant wait for updates 🙂

  21. illiteratemonke

    I just found this comic and went on an archive bing. As soon as he made the truce I thought, “he’s gonna have to fight craig”. He should have remembered the golden rule. Always secure the ability to protect your friends and family when making deals of noninterference with godlike beings.

  22. illiteratemonke

    p.s. this comic is awesome

  23. Jamie

    Welcome archive bingers, and thanks 🙂

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