Page 293
May 20th, 2011

Page 293

Alright, lets do this already!


  1. Merks

    They’re already seem married. Maybe Jack was too late

  2. Frostbite4.0

    Aww, now jack looks like the innocent child stumbling on his parents fighting

  3. Captain Whosit

    Did Craig hack his missing tooth back? Oh, no wait, it’s on the other side of his mouth. But, seriously, if he did that, it would probably be the best idea he could ever have. Why can’t hackers just be dentists?

  4. H_T

    Make Facepuncher proud, Jack!

  5. Ventnor

    Something is wrong with Craig, apparently.

  6. Diggin' It

    How old is Craig, five? He’s actually wearing a king’s crown and cape.

    If Craig’s life had a face, I hope Jack punches it in the balls.

  7. Blaze

    ^ Yes, but I dunno what >.>

  8. grayfoxpianist

    Seems like Angel’s annoying him on purpose, not just because she’s upset with him, just for the hell of it.

  9. Redde

    Somehow, we all knew he was gonna be wearing a children’s show king outfit.

  10. arch angel

    ‘*Ahem* I beleive this is where you get your face punched in.’

  11. quarktime

    “You swore not to interfere in hacker stuff!” “I’m not. I’m interfering in CRAIG stuff. Now step away from the girl so I can hand you your spleen without getting gook all over her.”

  12. hintsofhints

    “How did you get past my defenses !?”
    “There we defenses ? Oh, well I guess they didn’t believe in me or something…”

  13. Diz

    I am not a spy.

  14. RyotheDemon

    Prepare to be smitten!

    (Angel is such a bamf for annoying Craig on purpose XD)

  15. vash_ts

    -ehhh, can i rescue the girl?
    -HOW DID YOU GET PAST THE T…. (thinks) Oh F**! I left the traps in my other building!!

  16. Kellins

    Sorry, first thing going through my head while reading this. Craig is poor Link and Angel is Navi shouting, “Hey listen!” repeatedly over and over again.

  17. Morf

    Frankly, I blame hormones and poor critical thinking skills. “How do I rectify the mess my life has become? OH I KNOW LET’S KIDNAP THE GIRL I HAVE A MASSIVE UNREQUITED CRUSH ON HOW ABOUT THAT”

  18. StrayXL

    Nag Nag Nag their already like an old married couple.

  19. Crestlinger

    Swipe the keyboard and defenestrate him.

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