Page 288
May 2nd, 2011

Page 288

Here we go!


  1. LtFusion

    LOL. Wow, Craig needs to be a comedian…of course though he probably isn’t trying to be funny…

  2. WiseIdiot

    This is…sad.

  3. Merks

    Craig knows photoshop

  4. Chirigami

    That’s… So… stereotypical “castle/lair of the bad guy” xD. Craig needs more creativity. It reminds me of so many games I can’t even tell exactly which ones they are xD
    By the way, really shouldn’t the police or someone be at least a little bit alarmed about the giant phallic building by now?
    Also, I kinda think Gavin will be angry when he finds out about this… He seems to like having everything planned ahead and organized, and popping giant castles doesn’t seem like “organized” at all.

  5. Jamie

    There was a scene written with jack sneaking past some cops and fire fighters and stuff to get into into the ‘castle’ but I ended up cutting it for pacing.

  6. James


  7. James

    I do not WANT TO EVER..think or see him like that….EWWWWWWW !!!!!!! ; )

  8. James

    EWWWWWWWW !!!!!!! ; )

  9. James

    But still..i’m excited as to what will happen next !!!!!!!! ; D

  10. Ventnor

    Actually, I think Craig is being very subdued.

    I mean, we haven’t seen any 200-foot-tall solid gold statues of him (yet), have we?

  11. gangler

    I gotta say, Craig’s got some snazzy digs and a rocking pad going. He’s developing a sense of flair in his work. A villain’s gotta put on a good show if he’s gonna be taken seriously.

  12. Mathygard

    That guy’s got serious issues.

  13. Meaty

    I actually loled when I saw that first picture of Craig everywhere.

  14. Ether101 Prime

    That one picture of Craig lifting the car makes him look naked…

  15. Redde

    I think Craig needs to learn a little humility. TAKE HIM DOWN, JACK!

  16. Old 333

    Great so far! Looking forward to more.

  17. justme

    reminds me of the movie “Mom and Dad save the world”. I expect there to be a statue of Craig laying out with him in a “sexy” (gag rech) pose and a caption on the base to say “Craig = Love”

  18. arch angel

    Gag. That’s about all there is to it.

  19. BluerzGooerz

    LMFAO! i legitly laughed at all the Craig pictures. He so full of himself xD

  20. RyotheDemon

    The suspense is killing me!

  21. Frostbite4.0

    Funny, I thought the castle was for Angel. He seems to misunderstand the idea of making something for someone else.

  22. grimandgrimmer

    Looks like someone likes themselves a little too much.

  23. CHT

    Craig is a moron. Why build a castle in the middle of the city rather than putting it somewhere isolated? Take down that moron and save Angel. Reminds me of each and every failed attempt of Browser to kidnap Princess Peach, Mario kicking his ass and saving the day each time. How nostalgic. Jack will win against Craig. The only problem is Gavin…

  24. Matty

    XD first panel makes me think of something Robotnic-y from Sonic the hedgehog.

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