Page 267
February 18th, 2011

Page 267

And everyone but Jack in unsurprised.


  1. LtFusion

    I think Jack just aged about 65 years. XD

  2. Ordinaire

    Best Artistic Representation of the “o.o” face ever. You’re awesome, Jamie.

  3. rfloler

    Jack can face 100s of grunt hackers without breaking so much as sweat, but finding out his dad worked for M.I. stuns him to no end lol

  4. Cope

    Don’t pull faces, Jack. The wind will change.

  5. RaeMina

    Dun dun dun.


    Guess Jack now knows what a stoke feels like, too.

  6. Ryexander

    I would say “CALLED IT” but then I never bothered to guess the past of Jack’s dad in the first place.

    I’m betting he worked in the Hacker division. also this might explain how he met Jacks mom. lets face it the chances of your average Joe meeting and falling for a woman with a subscription to KNIFE magazine are slim at best.

  7. Zero

    Only thing I can say is; PLOT TWIST!!!

  8. DukeGod

    “Now Jack, you know all that stuff about myths and legends and the like? I’m sorta MIGHT be the reason they are called that way…”

  9. Kanaka

    Oh, really?! Who would’ve guessed 😛
    I kinda wish you would do double+ releases sometime. Its quite a good story and I’m excited to see how it pans out. Ryexander has the idea of how I would imagine the backstory was like.

    Jack’s face in the last panel, priceless.

    Keep up the great job. Really enjoying your work.

  10. BluerzGooerz


  11. Envoy

    NO WAI

  12. gangler

    “I thought you knew, Jack. I mean there was all that foreshadowing.”

  13. livlife2themax

    hahahahahaha i knew it all along muahahaha!!!!

  14. Redde

    That “wtf” face in the last panel is AWESOME.

  15. Rags

    “I hurt my leg or back or something.”
    Oh what a tangled web we weave…

  16. lol

    lol i totally knew

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