Page 263
February 4th, 2011

Page 263



  1. Riku

    For some reason, I don’t think gavin is a bad guy. He seems pretty cool.

  2. Vwampage

    Wait, what happened to the art here? I like it, but it’s a pretty sudden change.

  3. Jamie

    I’m not sure what you mean, there’s no sudden stylistic change in the art. Unless you’re talking about then panel layouts?

  4. H_T

    I wish I could make lappies poof out of thin air.

  5. Zanaku

    I see what he means by style change too. I think it’s just the expressions and motions in this page being outwith the norm, somewhat.


  6. FanXplosion

    @Riku: You may have a point. Maybe gavin really is more of a Zordon to the power Rangers. We’ve yet to see his motives or anything, maybe he’s just trying to protect his “kids” aka the Hackers

  7. Gaijin

    I think it’s her pose and expression in panel two that makes it look like a change of style. Or just the artist’s self-improvement showing through 🙂

  8. grayfoxpianist

    Attention everyone: Crystal’s boobs.
    That is all.

  9. BluerzGooerz

    grayfox: niiiiiiicee *-__-

    in other news: tht was pretty epic hacking Gavin just did there

  10. SovietCommissar

    Thanks for that, Grayfox. Heh.

    Anyways, OMG HAX.

  11. Nanoth

    Isn’t the saying.
    Hate the Sin not the Sinner.

    Gavin is one of those ‘badguys’ who is the boss of Idiots who use their powers in over the top ways, he is trying to control them but they don’t do it right. Didn’t he punish the guys from the School attack for their Method…

    Also “Change Chairs Change Chairs!!!” (Runs around a table covered in tea pots and cups…)

  12. zack of hiskatana

    you’d think id never seen any up close….
    which i have.

    in other news: yes, gavin don’t seem so bad…

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