Page 258
January 17th, 2011

Page 258

Hackers rool M.I. drool!


  1. Envoy

    Is the general seriously considering this?

  2. mmm122

    Gosh. Gavin is such an amazing villain.

  3. Michael

    @ Envoy: No he just has an itch on his mustache. Its a very itchy mustache you see, but its a requirement.

  4. Hybrid

    Gavin seems to have grasped an important fact. If your goal is to win, then the best way to do it is quickly and cleanly. Dragging things into a full scale war benefits no one.

  5. Chirigami

    @ Hybrid: Which makes Gavin basically one of the smartest villains I’ve EVER known. How many of them would have already have a grudge against the main character and be about to lose focus on their goals just to kill him or take revenge? I’d say most of them. Gavin FTW.

  6. arch angel

    Gavin is more like a real life villain, win first, take revenge latter. Not as many chliches to get caught up on.

  7. Tiger

    @Chirigami: agreed, most comics put personal problems in the basically screwing w/ the bad guy some time later

  8. Pudwiggle

    Well well…

    Then what DOES he want?

  9. batz

    World domination ofcourse.

    What else?

    Nah, I have a feeling it’s something more… Intriguing…

  10. Rez

    All part of the plan… all part of the plan…

    As I remember: Lure them in with a nice hook. When (not if, WHEN) the subject(s) outlive their usefulness, use any/all available resources to wipe them and their allies from the face of the Earth. By that point, you should have already gained more power over them – because, frankly, they were weaker than you to come to YOUR terms.

    Hook, Line, Sunk…

    Rezidual Shok

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