Page 257
January 14th, 2011

Page 257

Gavin is a hacker.


  1. MacSimon

    Never would’ve guessed that!

  2. James


  3. Frostbite4.0

    Lol, i love the general’s sarcasm at this

  4. Riku

    So glad I get to read this again! Didn’t have computer access for a while @_@ and the plot deepens!

  5. UnkownSoldier

    Wait, Gavin is a hacker? That explains so much!

  6. Tychon

    Revelations abound!

  7. arch angel

    I can’t tell if half of these comments are sarcastic or not. My first thought was ‘You didn’t know Gavin was a hacker?’ but if it’s a sarcastic remark, I’d just end up looking stupid. Heck, I still might.

  8. kit

    gavin just treats him like a waste of time….bad ass!

  9. Envoy

    Too busy creating porno viruses Gavin? What DO you do with your spare time?

  10. Diz

    God knows Gavin is too busy always making sure that makeup is staying well. Why else would he always stay in that air controlled enviroment? What would the humidity do to him! :O

  11. Michael

    Light travels faster than sound, why do we hear him before we see him. I’m assuming that the transmission is being done by hacking, as the monitor is completely wire less and only has 3 buttons. Actually that’s a better question, what does each button do.

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