Page 256
January 10th, 2011

Page 256

Scene change!


  1. Frostbite4.0

    wow, and here i thought MI was all about overdoing things

  2. Whosit

    That TV isn’t plugged in! And it turned on by itself! It’s pure evil! Evil! Evil, I say!

  3. Ventnor

    I’m guessing this is the part with the ransom demand in it.

  4. freehamster

    Very striking piece of work.

  5. Neil Dunsmore

    I’ve been a big fan of this comic for a long time and now I’ve finally mustered up the courage to comment on this specific one:
    I love this joke. It’s probably the simplest one I’ve seen in this entire comic and it’s one of my favorites so far.

  6. grayfoxpianist

    It’s sad that most people will think this is an ironic joke when that’s actually the hacked TV that Gavin gave to Max to give to the General.
    Time for Gavin’s badassery again!

  7. This Guy

    I believe the irony helps to accentuate the importance of the coming discussion

  8. BluerzGooerz

    i just realized we gotts double-kidnap situation goin on here (considering angel got ‘kidnapped’…but she was taken against her will, so thts kidnapping, aint it?)

  9. Tychon

    I’m confused. Apparently this simple, ironic joke is going right over my head.

  10. jmkool

    What, the irony of him being surrounded by all the massive screens and staring at the itty bitty one in front of him?

  11. Danetrix

    Tychon: Nah, people are just making a bigger deal out of it then needed.

  12. Da Mighty Camel

    That man is seriously cheap.

  13. This Guy

    I kinda like how the mini TV is SO far away.
    Sure it’s for dramatic effect and wouldn’t look as cool if it were in his face, but still.
    How’s he gonna see what’s on the screen? 😀

  14. Johnny Whoa

    The General then learned that the TV was a bomb.

  15. Crestlinger

    This is why you pay your electric bills.

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