Page 252
December 27th, 2010

Page 252

We now return to.. uh… what the hell has Craig done?


  1. MacSimon

    Whoa, what is that.

  2. MacSimon

    Also, we’ll need close-up of that guy in panel 4 : D

  3. FanXplosion

    Awesome. But personally I wonder if Craig did it… The ol’ tell tale ones and zeroes never appeared.

  4. Jamie

    Craig did it, I kinda broke the 1010 rule. :p

  5. one_rebel

    Without the blue glowing thing, it kinda looks like a Dalek from Doctor Who. I’m so cheesy 😛

  6. one_rebel

    *erases “kinda looks like” to “reminds me of”*

  7. ThisIsAScreenName

    Well, that is certainly not nothing…

  8. SomeUnregPunk

    wow that looks like an radio/tv tower … except for the spikes it looks like one of those towers near me.

    hmmm… looks quite phallic. What is Craig saying about himself? :p

  9. grayfoxpianist

    Looks like someone’s been playing Halo Reach. Looks very Covenant-y.

  10. Rusty-Knight

    “We now return to.. uh… what the hell has Craig done?”

    He obviously made a typo…

  11. BluerzGooerz


  12. zack of hiskatana

    he made the glue factory explode in order to flood the city.

    arrgggghhhh gluuueee!!!!

  13. xHOGUEx

    Hacker HQ anyone?

  14. livlife2themax

    aww craig u just dont getg it wen a girl tells u to bak off? sigh…
    XD glue factory lol

  15. Envoy

    Phallus Symbol?
    Way to prove your manliness and non-douche-ness, Craig.

  16. Johanna

    Guy in panel four is actually THE REASON BEHIND EVERYTHING EVER.

  17. Imakuni

    Do hackers have to pay for property damage?

  18. Neithan Diniem

    Tower he… raised? looks like a playstation move controller, only with an attachment on the end.

    He trying to show her how good he is at architecture? B for the building, F for the location.

  19. DukeGod

    Well someone has been taking some lesson in Awesomeness…

    Now just ponder and wonder,what if Gavin was the one creating giant stuff =D?

  20. lol

    its gonna create a giant hologram of her!!

  21. Ardratz

    Well this is surprising. I thought that Gavin would turn up and stop Craig in order to honor the bargain between him and Jack. Well a least it looks like Jack has a reason to kick hacker ass again.

  22. arch angel

    um… huh?

  23. Totz_the_Plaid

    One_Rebel: Looks more like a Dominator (from the Patrick Troughton era story of the same name) than a Dalek…

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