Page 249
December 13th, 2010

Page 249


  1. Garrant

    You realize that this comic must be turned into a parody of the David Caruso meme.

  2. FanXplosion

    I love that Craig seems to think nothing of the entire situation.

  3. Ventnor

    Knowing the rules of drama, Gavin’s hunt for Craig (he doesn’t like deserters, as we well know) is going to conclude in the next few strips.

  4. Frostbite4.0

    I have a feeling Gavin will not take this lightly, especially since part of the reason they broke in in the first place was to get Craig out. Someone’s gonna get his teeth back in a non-desirable fashion.

  5. Merks

    how could you not miss those blue eyes

  6. nicknackss

    I Foresee a future with more Facepunching

  7. James

    Soo Smooth Craig !!!!! ; )

  8. hugs4evry1

    @nicknacksss lol yea me 2.. i c a LOT of facepunching in the near future

  9. takrenrahl

    dont particularly like craig

  10. Swot

    Though this strip seems to give a better impression of him.

  11. othorlimmis

    last panel makes me feel sorry for having him as a bad guy.

  12. Redde


    LOL. JK. He’s a funny wanna-be-villain.

  13. 003D

    I gotta admit, his eyes are drawn really cute there, but I still hate that son of a but monkey!

  14. jmkool

    It’s good, but I think you’re overusing the closeups a bit in this scene. Try showing a little perspective now and then, too much closeup feels kinda off.

    Of course, that could be the effect you’re going for, in which case, well done. It just seems like I have to back away from the screen to see peoples’ faces properly.

  15. omgwtfpirates

    Correction, missing two teeth.

    Even classier.

  16. Envoy

    I didn’t miss him…
    I liked him more when he was helping poor Frankie.
    +2 cents

  17. Johanna

    *Take a deep breath*

  18. one_rebel

    “I missed you alright…with my fist! *punches square in the face*”

  19. arch angel

    I’m gussing… no.

  20. taltamir

    they look terrified, the poor things.
    is he violating the terms of the deal between jack and the hackers?

  21. Tsapki

    To taltamir.

    Not at the moment actually. The deal was that the Hackers leave Jack and his family alone (as well as not killing Max in that same encounter). The girls were not mentioned and I doubt socializing, as awful as it is with Craig, would count as breaking the deal.

    On my own note…I just cannot stand people who take credit where it is definitely not due. M.I. had this get crammed into a tiny cell and it took a full scale Hacker ambush to get him out. I would have accepted him saying “I got friends in high places, babe.” but to take credit for escaping the M.I. on his own…..I have lost any iota of possible respect I may or may not have had for Craig and I will be hard pressed to reconsider my current stance.

    **** you Craig…just….**** you.

    On minor note, not sure if Craig actually deserted so much as decided to go AWOL for a bit. I’m sure there is some minor difference.

  22. SomeUnregPunk

    This is creepy. Is Craig being made out to be the accidentally rapist type of villain?
    … the villain that ends up being raping the girl he loves and then completely regretting his actions and tries to make up for by drastic means or blames her for the rape …. You see it more in soap opera stories.

  23. SubsiquentOverlord

    “Miss me?”
    [is tasered by angel]
    “Only for lack of getting to do that.”

  24. SubsiquentOverlord

    Also, as far as things go with Craig- there is no reason to assume AWOL or deserting just because he isn’t at the base anymore. After all, if you recall from the first arc he never even stayed at Gavin’s headquarters in the first place. Plus he isn’t going against any rules that’ve been thusly produced in the story that restrict the hackers. So, all-in-all, depending on how Mr. Author wants to steer the story he can simply have Gavin respond in a plethora of different ways, have any character stumble across the scene, have Craig kidnap Angel with or without her friend, have Mr. Monsterguy come to take Craig back, have Craig injure angel or visa-versa and either Jack or Gavin seeks revenge, ect, ect, ect…
    Hell, Mr. Author could even just have the Craig and the girls part ways after a conversation in plenty of different moods and leave it to be brought up later to trigger or augment some situation.

  25. SubsiquentOverlord

    [stares at post…]
    I am just not going to bother with those grammatical errors. I just. Don’t. Care.

  26. taltamir

    “doubt socializing, as awful as it is with Craig, would count as breaking the deal.”

    I seriously doubt he is there to socialize though…

  27. Elkian

    He’s…almost endearing, here.

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