Page 233
October 18th, 2010

Page 233

Someone in the comments was worried that Crystal would hack something up if she took Gavin’s hand. Looks like she didn’t though, so we’re okay!


  1. mmm122

    Love it.

  2. Gennom

    That is one big chair!

  3. Ryuzaki

    I knew there was a reason for checking early.

  4. BluerzGooerz

    well crystal, it appears that you have a brain injury, due 2 the fact that you cant even tell that you’ve been kidnapped, but don’t worry, max will save you…eventually

  5. FanXplosion

    I think she’s asking, “Do you realize the can of hurt you just opened for everyone?” Not… “Why am I here?” 😛 Jamie. I love this book SO much.

  6. one_rebel

    That chair is epic.

  7. Frostbite4.0

    she probably knows why shes there, but she doesnt know about the others. for all she know, they could’ve left a hack bomb at base or osmething

  8. Kellins

    signs of kidnapping? I never recall any kidnapping that had a big comfortable chair that the victim can sit in. Apparently, Gavin hasn’t checked his rulebook lately.

  9. Shroomi

    I love how you’ve done Crystal’s speech bubble, nice detail. I can’t wait for the next update!

  10. Done25

    Anyone else think she looks cute in panels 4-6?

  11. Kittenykat

    Huge comfy chair, huge wall sized monitor, hmmm… *peeks around and looks for a closet full of hastily tucked away sports paraphernalia* ¬_¬

  12. Jackrabbit

    Cyber Terrorist Kidnapping affects one in every 15 million women. Please, donate to the ACTK so we can research a cure for this unfortunate occurrence.

    authorizedbythelocalgovernmentinrelationtothesetting, wherever.

  13. Girl_With_Koi_on_face

    My favorite part of this page is that the entire background of the room is just monitor static.

  14. Swot

    Was that piece of binary there to make the chair, or make her sit?
    And doesn’t she looked strangely fatigued to anyone else?
    Is this because of people knocking her unconscious, Gavin, or perhaps the removal of the scarf?
    That last one would have interesting connotations.

  15. Arch Angel

    @Swot: You try watching your friends get beat up, yourself being knocked out, teleported, and then stood up by a pull of your hair and see if you’re not a little bit out of it. Just saying.

  16. PredatorReferance

    That chair is quite obviously a tad to big for her.

  17. Swot

    @Arch Angel:
    You have an overwhelmingly valid point.

  18. jmkool

    That chair IS epic. But not as epic as this chair!

    Yes, I linked to another comic. So sue me. Actually, don’t, please?

  19. ThisIsAScreenname

    I haven’t commented in so long! This makes me sad. See? 🙁 Oh well. I am now, and this comic is still just as epic! 😀

    (P.S. @jmkool: I, personally, will NOT sue you, because I am a nice person. :D)

  20. Rags

    The Comfy Chair!

  21. BaufenBeast

    Not the comfy chair!!!

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