Page 226
September 10th, 2010

Page 226

Not a good day.


  1. Riku

    ;_; but I love Ceasar… don’t let him die, plz?

  2. Swot

    Oh Shi*?

  3. one_rebel

    Caesar, nuuuu ;A;

  4. FanXplosion

    I second Riku’s motion for Caesar not being dead.

  5. LtFusion

    It’s only a flesh wound…


  6. Rixley

    Dude, just put a band-aid on it. Band-aids fix everything in the wonderful world of comics!

  7. Ventnor

    Yeah, I’d definitely qualify this as a bad day for Max.

    Perhaps he’s not as invincible as we’ve been lead to believe?

    … Naaaaaaah.

  8. Alectric

    Frankly I can’t help but wonder why this sort of hacker invasion hadn’t already happened until now. These guys seem to have very little defense against them.

  9. Kirk

    He will come back as a robot.

  10. Jamie

    @Alectric: They did have defenses, but everything is down right now.

  11. taltamir

    the slicing off of a leg should cause a person to die from bloodloss within moments. By any rule of basic anatomy he is dead.

  12. Grog


    Actually, no. If the leg was sliced off, rather than merely teleported off by HACKER MAGICKS, the shock should cause the muscle around the joint to reflexively tense. Caesar would then go into shock, preventing blood loss even further.

  13. Tier Twenty

    You’d think they’d have some old-fashioned roaming monster guards. Yeah, those never fail.

    Also Caesar’s just sleeping.

  14. Nicknackss

    Replace with bionic leg with rocket pods.

  15. Merks

    I figure caesar is just being a baby. “Omg! I’m so not talking to you Max… I haaaaate hackers, I told you this and now they’ve sliced off my dancing leg”

  16. rakurai

    I’m hoping for a good hacker to show up and save the day…. Or he gets a bionic leg. Either or.

  17. Randomsquared

    C’monnnn Ceaser! Get up!

  18. SovietCommissar

    Nice one, Grog. Good to know there’s an expert here…although it doesn’t look like shock ever kicked in, for some reason. That’s an awful lot of blood, and unless the image is exaggerating the amount, he’s already 95% of the way dead by exsanguination.

    Granted, with the technology they may or may not have, he might not be a loss, but I’d count him as a confirmed casualty here. Sorry, everyone.

    In other news, this is certainly not looking any level or type of good for Max and Jack, even if the latter was technically not involved.

  19. Rez

    Wow. Sunuva – further proof that hackers are really not to be trifled with. Caesar lost a major amount of blood (it is his main artery in his leg… where pretty much the majority of blood flows to due to gravity and size), Max got stun-pounded, Jack still really can’t do anything (although I think he can still help the others) the Scarf went poof, along with Crystal… Imma stop with the list, but in the history of Jack Cannon thus far, this is the worst event of all time. OF ALL TIME!

    Rezidual Shok

  20. SovietCommissar

    @ Rez

    You are aware that bloodflow out of his severed leg would not be increased by gravity at this point, seeing as he is in a prone position. The only way to improve the situation and slow the bleeding – short of surgery or a field tourniquet/dressing – would be to raise his legs, or the remainders thereof, above the level of his heart.

  21. ThisIsAScreenname

    Heh….Oh yeah… I kind of forgot about Caesar somehow…Er, I mean… OH NO! CAESAR, DON’T DIE!!!11!!!1!!!!1!!!ELEVEN!!! Also, Max did NOT punch his face. There are many things wrong with this picture, dude. AAAAAAAAANDANDAND wheeeere is Jack?! D:< But, yay, comic. πŸ˜€

  22. taltamir

    1. the muscles in the leg are skeletal, those need to be anchored to bones to properly contract, furthermore, the muscle cells themselves will be severed.
    2. A severed leg is not a sphincter, it will not be able to stop the bleeding.
    3. shock doesn’t in any way shape or form STOP blood loss, it is caused by blood loss, and it results in death.

  23. SovietCommissar

    @ Taltamir

    I was not suggesting that shock, in any way, would be stopping bloodflow – however, as blood pressure is lowered during shock and the heart weakens, bloodloss would be slowed at least some.

  24. jmkool

    Mex didn’t punch him in the face! You let me down, Max…

  25. BluerzGooerz

    Ceaser’s just sleeping, right? Right!?!?! I like Ceaser!!! ;__;

  26. Grog

    @taltamir: Yeh, SovietCommissar covered pretty much what I was going to say, except one thing – his leg was severed at the knee, not at any midpoint such as the thigh or shin. Severance at the joint ideally would have the effect I described. Except for Hacker Magicks, which are not ideal.

    Anyway, Caesar hasn’t been out for long enough to cause total brain death (that takes some time of oxygen deprivation, if I correctly recall, and this entire fight from the point Caesar’s leg was severed couldn’t have taken more than five minutes, even with the dialogue) so he’s probably still salvageable. They can rebuild him, after all, they have the technology. I hope.

  27. Yo-YoMastah

    πŸ™ if I was there I would Have smacked them with my super yo-yo… but this is a comic on the interwebs… so I can’t really do that from my computer.

  28. Yo-YoMastah

    πŸ™ if I was there I would Have smacked them with my super yo-yo… but this is a comic on the interwebs… so I can’t really do that from my computer.

  29. Crestlinger

    ….(whipsers) ooonly a…flesh..wound *Thud.

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