Page 218
August 13th, 2010

Page 218



  1. ThisIsAScreenname

    Yay! Facepunching! Also, is it totally lame that I was on here refreshing the page, waiting for this? Yeah, probably.

  2. Jamie

    Persistence pays off!

  3. FanXplosion

    Yet another page that screams “I’m part of a book, not a webcomic”
    Jamie? You are my favorite writer/artist. πŸ˜€
    (And that’s why I bought two of the SoftCover Book. TOTALLY WORTH IT)

  4. isaac

    HES SO GOD DAM HAPPY! thats good, thats good

  5. Ictiv

    Agree with FanXplosion πŸ™‚

    Though I had something more like this on mind when reading: “Nothing says ‘We’d like to keep our PG-13 rating’ like a white screen with medium ‘Bam’ inscription in the middle.”

  6. LtFusion

    *The combined force of Max’s punch and Crystal’s boost is unleashed upon the helpless Hackers. The explosive energy unleashed is too awesome to be comprehended.*

    Yay for Fastball Special type attacks! And yeah, Max is gonna be like a kid in a candy shop for a bit I think.

  7. Frostbite4.0

    Tag! You’re it!
    Its facepuncher tag!

  8. ThirtyThreeAs

    It’s a good thing Max isn’t the star in this comic. Our brains would melt from the sheer awesome.

  9. Turnsky

    hrm.. we so need to attach rockets to Max’s wrists so we can see a rocket facepunch.

  10. Merks

    haha the hacker with the smiley face!

  11. Aleclom



  12. Zorpheus

    Ahhh, Max Facepuncher. Doing what he does best. It’s MAGIC.

  13. model S

    BAM! all i can think in the 5th panel is GUTS SHOOOOOOOT!!!!! ((mmbn program advance where gutsman throws mega at high speed and mega facepunches his opponent))

  14. Kellins

    “See his teeth sparkle”
    Though I’m guessing Max must not of hit very hard, since in most logic, the flashier the words are, the harder the punch. So….I guess Max punched them so hard, the effects had to do a loop, reverting to it’s primal state of basic text.

  15. Drali


    Hey look! It’s a fastball special!

  16. Kirk

    Who cares about the more facepunching? More scarf stuff! πŸ˜€

  17. Demented Kat

    Yay, violence!

  18. Tier Twenty

    The next page there are no hackers.

    It is never quite explained where they went.

  19. Da Mighty Camel

    That hacker on the right looks happy?

  20. Johnny Whoa

    He’s like a kid. A violent, awesome little kid.

  21. Tsapki

    Pardon for my inner nerd but I’ll make this quick.

    Hehe, nice, very much to equivalent of a Dwarf Slayer from Warhammer excitedly exclaiming, “Look Snorri! Trolls!” before bounding gleefully into battle.

  22. Rusty-Knight

    Rocket Propelled Facepuncher

  23. Krell1

    I love the insane look on his face as he flies straight towards the hackers!

  24. Krell1

    Jamie, I got a question; How DOES Facepuncher’s friend make her scarf move? Is it magic, technology, a different form of hacking, perhaps? What?

  25. Macaluso

    It’s like how the Season 5 finale of LOST ended

  26. Jamie

    Krell1: That would SO totally be telling. πŸ˜‰

  27. Mr. Jazzels

    You sir, win the game.


  28. Kittenykat

    He looks so happy! ^_^

  29. Rez

    OOOH, that’s gotta hurt!

    Awesome… but what’s Gavin gonna do?! Agh, not finished, oh noez!

    Keep up the epic!
    Rezidual Shok

  30. Krell1


    …Yeah, that’s true…I’ll bet it’s some weird kind of hacking.

  31. LostInPhilly89

    Max looks so happy to find Hackers to beat up. Maaaax Puuunch!

  32. tailman

    wow, its like a backwards fastball special.

  33. kit

    That is the same move max used to beat the falcon punch…in my sugar induced dream 4 hours ago

  34. kit

    That is the same move max used to beat the falcon punch…in my sugar induced dream 4 hours ago

  35. Riku

    I. Love. Your. Expressions. I swear, I wouldn’t even need the dialogue because the expressions would tell me everything that was happening.

  36. Jamie

    Thanks very much! Character expressions are one of the things I focus on most, so that means a lot to me!

  37. Arklite

    hacking cannot defend against eyebrows of this magnitude!

  38. Rock-Man

    Captain Falcon enveys Max’s Punching~!

  39. hintsofhints

    Yeah whatever, I’m not dupe. The sound effect in this comic for a punch landing is usually something else than BAM…
    Plus there hasn’t been any “censoring” before.
    Something else is going on πŸ˜‰

  40. Kisame

    Word. I mean it literally, word.

  41. Shawwah?! Man

    Funny page… You don’t need to read the comic to laugh at this.
    Jamie, you’re awesome.

  42. Crestlinger


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