Page 214
July 30th, 2010

Page 214

Frankie’s giant mouth is not suitable for talking, so the little one does it instead.

Hey! also, if you want more comics by me, I’ve done a guest comic at Ginger’s Bread! Was I drinking when I made it? Maybe!

So it looks like in about a months time my life is going to be uprooted a bit, as I’m moving to Melbourne and starting a two year course in game design. I’m not totally sure what this means for the comic, I mean, I have no intention of stopping but things might get a bit bumpy for a while. 

I’ll be making a bigger post about this a bit later when I know a bit more.

Also the hard cover version of the first Fancy Adventure book is finally almost ready! I’m also going to be lowering the price of the paperback version. If you were one of the people who bought the books early, send me an email and as a thank you I’ll draw you up a sketch of whichever FAoJC character you like.


  1. LtFusion

    Oh the pain in Frankie’s eyes… :C

  2. James

    Hey Frankie’s Eyes are back to normal Yay !!!!! ; )

  3. Merks

    awesome expressions as always. also WIN! on that guest comic

  4. ThisIsAScreenname

    :O Okay, I just found this because you did the guest comic on GB and I was all… “That’s a cool name! I’ll go check it out (even though it’s 12 AM)!” So… I did. And now it’s 3:30 and I’m absolutely IN LOVE. OHHHHMYGOSH. Also, I would seriously consider legally changing my last name to Facepuncher because ONE: That would be like, THEMOSTEPICLASTNAMEEVAR! and TWO) Max is frigging EEEEPIIIIC. Okay, wow, I’m probably going to reread this tomorrow morning and realize how idiotic I sound…

  5. FanXplosion

    No that’s pretty much the standard response. We all love Max. 🙂

  6. Katrika

    Is Grin going to be feeling a little bad?

  7. gangler

    Damn, getting hacked into a horribly disfigured and powerful mutant sucks. It’s such a relatable problem though so it adds depth to Frankies Character.

    As a side note I just finally remembered who Craig is.

  8. Biscuit

    my, my. so much profanity in this comic… AWESOME!!!!

  9. jmkool

    Nice touch. Even through the mask, grin looks like she’s trying to avoid eye contact.

  10. Kougs

    “Holy shitdamn!”
    I’m gonna start saying that from now on.

  11. Kaeota

    Came here from Ginger’s Bread; hot damn this comic is awesome! I feel sorry for Jones, though seriously? How STUPID is that guard? There was a vision slit in the door for Christ’s sake!

  12. Thementalhyuuga

    Grin looks like she’s ashameddd of kinda ruining frankies life….NAAAAAAAAW

  13. Arch Angel

    @Katrika: She’ll probably just explain what she did like any of us would explain a routine trip to the supermarket or something.

  14. Ren

    Ooh, hey! Looks like Grin took pity on him enough to turn his red eyes back to “normal.”

  15. SovietCommissar

    I’m beginning to think that some of these characters may switch sides eventually…not that this comic’s predictable, but more in the sense that you can almost see it in their faces and in their words. Anyone else get that feeling?

    Also, I hope we get to see under the masks sometime (couldn’t care less about Gavin, but maybe Grin).

  16. Cris

    @Ren, well actually Gavin sort of “ordered” her to turn Frankie’s eyes, so “the humanity in his eyes makes them hesitate, then Frankie eats them”.

    I love this comic and I’ve been following it for a long time now, but this is my first comment.
    Greetings from Chile, keep up the good work.

  17. Jeff

    It’d be sorta interesting if, somehow, Craig and Frankie could get away from the hackers and turn good. I know Craig’s an idiot, but maybe seeing things like this could show him how wrong it all is to be with this crowd, at least.

    Having a couple good-guy hackers would be fun, too.

  18. SovietCommissar

    “White hats”, as it were. If only it were as awesome as it is in this comic…

  19. Kisame


  20. newllend(voidSN)

    You can tell behind that mask she’s like,” uh…oh God I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do it.”

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