Page 212
July 23rd, 2010

Page 212


I’ve had a bit of fanart hanging around lately, so I thought it was time show them off! There’s even some Max Facepuncher cosplay!


I’ll be adding these to the fan art gallery shortly, a huge thanks to everyone who sent something in! 


  1. FanXplosion


  2. Favicon

    I love the comic.

    Can you put a favicon on your comic? It’s the little tiny picture on the left of the tab, like a Y on Yahoo! or the colourful lowercase g for Google.

    (does code go through here?)

    You can just put this in the head:

  3. Favicon

    Oh, how about…

    link href =”images/whatever.png” rel=”shortcut icon” type=”image/png”

    (but with arrow brackets around it…)

  4. Merks

    that max solving cancer fan art is brilliant. Oh and i’m totally loving your lights out colouring

  5. Moof

    When you make the live-action Max Facepuncher movie, that guy needs to star in it, because he is PERFECT.

  6. Thementalhyuuga

    the “I’m Not a Murderer But I am a Killer” Gavin is fricken awsome

  7. The Jester

    @Max cosplay


  8. Fyre

    OMG! That guy cosplays Max so well! Props to you, Max-cosplayer!

    Suggestion for the future: MOAR EYEBROW 😉

  9. Jamie

    @Favicon yes, I’ve been meaning to do that and keep forgetting. Thanks for the code, i’ll look at making an icon and applying it soon.

  10. speakerblast

    I just wanted to say that a couple nights ago I had a crazy hackerfromyourcomic themed dream and it was awesome. So thanks for the subconscious thoughts i guess?

  11. Felix Bachemav

    hello, first time posting. sorry if this starts something bad, thank god if it doesn’t. i wonder what the universe would do if a hack proof kid became a master hacker?

  12. Swot

    Well… Theoretically of course, it could be that because his body automatically rejects changes to reality that occur around him, his own body would prevent him from hacking while also getting closer and closer to shutting down.
    Now, if someone could simulate whatever Jack’s body is doing and make some sort of shield of it, that still allowed said person to hack, the world would be in trouble.
    Also, I really hope that Gavin has hacked himself immortal. Or rather, unaging, because, that’s not too hard if you can manipulate reality, and it means immortality as long as you can avoid being killed.

  13. Arch Angel

    @Felix & Swot
    In either case… DOOM!!! DOOM TO US ALL!!!
    Unless of course we sign up. Any takers?

  14. The doom society


  15. Syldoran

    Oh, this reminds me that I intended to make a clay mask like Gavin’s–I’m aware his isn’t as much a mask as much as a full body thing, but I don’t think I’m up for that.

    I should get around to that.

  16. Kisame

    It’s pronounced noob

  17. SamB

    @Max cosplay: needz [moar] eyebrows! Otherwise, awesome!

  18. SamB

    Oh, and a spelling error 😛 — that should arguably be spelled n00b. (These being the intrusion-oriented hacker-pretending crackers, and not hackers proper.)

  19. SamB

    Hmm, did my previous comment saying, roughly:

    @Max cosplay: needz [moar] eyebrows; otherwise, awesome!

    … get spambinned or something? ’cause the “spelling correction” seems to have appeared, but not that one, and I can’t see how my comment would have disappeared from the comment box other than my clicking submit (or deleting it intentionally, obviously).

  20. Jamie

    It did get spambotted for some reason. I would spell newb in the popular internet style, but for some reason whenever I try my hands cramp up, my eyes burn and I can taste iron.

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