Page 206
July 2nd, 2010

Page 206



  1. saper

    holy…:O, that has got to hurt!!!

  2. Johnny Whoa

    You “GHHUUUR” wrong. There’s only 2 H’s.

    I was expecting him to vomit up something like a hacker or something. But this? This is just.. Wow. I don’t know.

  3. inyoface

    he’s coughing up ham! oh what a swell fellow he is. lol

  4. Ventnor

    Does Frankie’s health care plan cover vomiting up gigantic blobs of pulsating flesh?

  5. LtFusion

    I bet Frankie is wishing he had had that tonsillectomy…

  6. sanddunee

    oh god the only thing I was thinking was “Frankie’s gonna be a daddy!”

  7. jmkool

    He’s really hacking up something big there.

  8. Metaldude

    I’ve been there, dude. You think that taco in the back of the fridge is still fresh and then, 12 hours later, you turn inside out from either the front or the back.

  9. NowayPent

    Hahaha, wow.
    Gotta say, though, drawing the inner-mouth being pushed out of the corner of his… regular… mouth like that is a nice touch! Very well thought out πŸ™‚

  10. Cope

    …and I was just about to eat dinner, too.

  11. James

    Now this is interesting !

  12. FanXplosion

    I’m hungry now. And frankie obviously REALLY needs to learn to chew.

  13. Mary

    I don’t know if I should say “eeeeww” or “ouch!”…..

  14. othorlimmis

    O.O uhm…..

  15. Vrominelli

    Now THAT’S a loogie. Go for distance Frankie!

  16. Tantz

    is that a lung? XD

  17. gangler

    mondays cough doesn’t seem so overdramatic now does it?

  18. advancedflea

    Whoa o.o;;

  19. Alexander

    Like a hairball, only with 99% more flesh.

  20. Lucas

    Oh my…I feel a slight…what….what is this peculiar sensation in my chest are-BLAAAAAAAAAGH!!

  21. Rakurai

    My first thought was “er?”

  22. SovietCommissar

    Well. That’s certainly special.

    Makes me wish this comic updated more than just M/F (or that I’d read the archive more slowly), even though I know Jamie has to have a life outside of entertaining we Internet-dwellers…

  23. Phalanx

    I wonder if there’s a person inside that fleshbag.

  24. Sio

    oh, ew…that’s just not right…

  25. Chirigami

    Great. Now I won’t be able to sleep for a year or two.
    The only little critic I gotta make is: that thing coming out of his mouth is actually bigger than his chest and neck… So where did it come from? Or wait… Is his chest in the third panel kinda swollen? If so, I guess it’s okay. πŸ˜› After all, he could have an ultra-expandable rib cage as part of the mutation.

  26. Beanjamish


  27. Jamie

    @Chirigami That is his chest expanding, yes.

  28. Swot

    That’s a bit nasty to be honest.

  29. Kellins

    Just what I wanted to see happen on the day when my stomach is feeling sensitive. I have to make the same experience in the bathroom now.

  30. Some Girl

    Taking coughing your guts up to a whole new meaning, eh?


  31. Merks

    it doesnt just sound like he is coughing up a lung…

  32. Ictiv

    I’m a terrible person. Poor guy’s coughing up his lungs and all i can think of is the face the guard’s gonna make when he sees this.

  33. Girl_with_koi_on_face


  34. Limestudios

    Dude is this a scene from alien or something?!?

  35. taltamir

    mmm… a hacker is using frankie as a “gateway” into the headquarters of MI?

  36. taltamir

    also, poor guy… all he did was a good deed.

  37. random thinker

    when you think about it panel three makes him look like he has tits

  38. Chirigami

    Oh, so cool, you pay attention to every detail! xD

  39. Thementalhyuuga

    OHMYFRICKEHAJSNKIJNDS it looks like he’s fricken puking up an alien baby egg O_o………………20$ say’s that a hackers inside.

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