Page 205
June 28th, 2010

Page 205

Max Facepuncher is not a fan of that brain stuff.


  1. gangler

    I should say so. He punches that brain stuff for a living, probably a reason for that.

  2. Anonymous Man

    Sounds like one nasty cough.

  3. Ventnor

    But he is a fan of brain stuff!

    If by brain stuff, you mean punching people in their brain-holder.

    And if by brain-holder, you mean face.

  4. FanXplosion

    Hahaha I think Jamie is just wanting to make sure we understand, “THE COUGH IS OMNIOUS” XD

  5. Metallifan

    How come there are so many mistakes in the “Page number”?
    It says this is Page 204, the last page says the same.
    Previously it’s been pahe and pagw. Is it intended or just mistakes? 😛

    An amazing comic btw. 🙂

  6. James

    Boy he got over that quick !!!!

  7. Jamie

    Page number mistakes seem to be my new thing, sadly. 🙁

  8. othorlimmis

    “HELLOOOO, coughing here!”
    “gimme some goddamn attention!”
    “i just wanna advance the plot, please lemme OUOUT!”

  9. Lucas


  10. Lord Darcy

    Of course it’s ominous, it’s a —Virus! At some point they will need someone immune to those things to help out. I’m not sure I like the fact his immunity is killing him (OK only if he keeps using it I know). He’s at enough of a disadvantage as it is. I suppose it will depend on where he goes from here. Most likely he will just have to get better at dodging, and not depend on it. That would be “Da Bomb”

  11. Elkian

    Is Frankie gonna play the ‘sick prisoner’ card?

  12. matty

    someone should relly give him a ricola.

  13. Thementalhyuuga

    yeah useful right cause you know getting caught and forcing jack into a truce is veeeeery helpful

  14. One_Rebel

    “*COUGHCOUGH* Notice me dammit! D:<“

  15. Phalanx

    I just found this and ended up reading it today. Very nice stuff. Is there a place where I can find the old voting incentive pics, though? I saw some of them on that deviantart page posted a few comics back, but most of them weren’t there. I think I’ll be following this webcomic for a long time to come.

  16. Jamie

    I’m afraid currently the only vote incentive pics available are the ones on DeviantArt, this is primarily due to me usually hating most of my work five days after I finish it, there are also file types DeviantArt doesn’t seem to like me uploading, which has caused some setbacks.
    Ill start looking into getting the rest of the stuff put up somewhere, though.

  17. rinthia

    Is our mutant friend hacking up something that Gavin gave him?

  18. rinthia

    I just realized there was a pun in my last post…
    I meant is he coughing up what Gavin gave him?

  19. FanXplosion

    @Lord Darcy & @rinthia
    You are my favorite people now. Virus? Hacking? Wonderful

  20. Hybrid

    Probably the most scary thing about Jack’s Firewall is that it’s not a concious ability; it’s on all the time.
    Scary for the hackers: You can’t get him when he’s unconcious, asleep or just caught by surprise.
    Scary for Jack: Any hacking and he can’t turn it off to stop it killing him
    It’s a good thing hacking seems to be confined to that group; if it was used everyday for mundane uses he would be in deep ****.

  21. Phalanx

    [quote=Jamie]I’m afraid currently the only vote incentive pics available are the ones on DeviantArt, this is primarily due to me usually hating most of my work five days after I finish it, there are also file types DeviantArt doesn’t seem to like me uploading, which has caused some setbacks.
    Ill start looking into getting the rest of the stuff put up somewhere, though.[/quote]

    Excellent… 😀

  22. Girl_with_koi_on_face

    Don’t cough up a lung Frankie!

  23. SoundwaveSuperior

    Maybe the reason the folder is airtight is because it’s full of *Sunglasses* Cannon Fodder.

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