Page 200
June 11th, 2010

Page 200

Hey page 200! (actually 201, but who’s counting?)

Time for a scene change!


  1. Frostbite4.0

    Heh, how hard can it be? Their only trying to kill him

  2. Vrominelli

    Yup he’s a dead man.

  3. Merks

    the next page should have him fighting the hackers thinking “there was something I was supposed to remember….something”

  4. Thementalhyuuga

    EASY PEASY! considering there everywhere, constantly watching him like creepy stalkers, they’ll torment his friends so as to rub it in his face that he made a deal and can’t do anything about it OH YEAH and Craig will probably come back and take over the school again with TWICE as many followers………like the general said EASY

  5. Thementalhyuuga

    ………I can totally imagine that happening……

  6. Johnny Whoa

    So, if they haven’t seen this before, how do they know there’s a way to turn it off?
    Me thinks the General’s hiding something.

    Congrats on 200 pages, Jamie! Got a fanart what’s-it on the way

  7. Dizit

    Jamieeeeee. You spelled “page” wrong in your live update.

    Also, I dislike this needing a PayPal account to buy your book. It infuriates my heart with explosive needle daggers of pure demise.

  8. Jamie

    Dang. sometimes I’m rushing to put the page up and dont look at little things like the spelling of the title. 🙁
    As for Paypal, you dont need an account for it, you can use Paypal like an online store where you just enter in your cradit card details and the money is sent for the book, if that helps.

  9. gangler

    Why do I think that on his way home he’ll be compelled to save the world from a meteor that’s been hacked into existence or something.

  10. Maarvarq

    We going to see Cindy and Angel again any time soon?

  11. Jamie

    One of these days, but not any time soon.

  12. Arch Angel

    Somehow, I don’t think you can, Jack.

  13. Chirigami

    Well, really if he hadn’t had this defense at first, he would already be dead, so I kinda don’t get why he’s scared only now. As I said before, he probably didn’t think the hackers were seriously dangerous.
    Also, as gangler said… If they seriously wanted him dead, they could still summon a meteor over his head, or an airtight steel prison around him and let him asphyxiate. Oh well, maybe there are some limitations as to what hacking can do.

    I don’t think Gavin is that kind of a… humanoid big bad. Craig, however, could be as stupid as to do it.

  14. Ventnor

    Wait, does the general keep a sword with him at all times?

    That is friggin’ AWESOME!

  15. Alectric

    Jack is sooooo genre blind.

  16. Johnny Whoa

    I am so sorry for making your characters look terrible.

  17. Kellins

    Last panel, Jack’s face is so out of character, he lost all his badassness.
    So when do we see Jack sitting in a chair, wearing a BBQ stained white tee shirt, chomping down potato chips, while watching old security tape footage of himself kicking some hackers?

  18. taltamir

    I don’t see why anyone would want to turn off that ability… its basically a “health bar” against hacks. You can soak up multiple lethal hacks before actually dying. No problems there as far as I see.

  19. Johnny Whoa

    @taltamir Yeah that’s what I was thinking. He’d already be dead, at least twice, if he didn’t have that ability.

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