Page 161
January 25th, 2010

Page 161

If you are reading this then the auto update worked! Right now I bet I am on a boat or something. Unless it’s raining. Hey, maybe I’ll have pictures when I get back! Of me on a boat! Man that would rock.

Since I’m away at the camp and have no access to the Internet I’m unable to make an incentive, but if you want to support the comic and vote all the same, then please do! 🙂


  1. Carl

    Up nice and early (at least the auto-update worked). I’ve gone ahead and Twittered about it for ya since you’re not around, although I don’t know how many shared Tweeters we have.

  2. Raron

    Mrs. Cannon’s smile is greatly disturbing… I sense great pain for jack in the future…

  3. FanXplosion

    Oh my… Jack’s mom is frightening

  4. AdvancedFlea

    autoupdate ftw 😀

  5. gangler

    Dear God his mom is scary. Fun comic, can’t wait to see what she’s gonna do..

  6. Swot

    Poor Jack, this isn’t going to end well for him.

  7. Dreaming Budgie

    The question is who is she going to beat senseless? MI? the Hakers? Jack? Run Jack run!

  8. alurker

    I spy a definite mad eye-twitch in the final panel.

  9. jmkool

    Knowing her reputation, this doesn’t look good for Jack…

  10. Lordofufools

    only thing i have to say for jack is Meep

  11. merks

    Is this the end of Jack Cannon?!?!?

    I’m pretty sure his mum is going to kill him. Probably what happend to Jacks brother

  12. Sio

    Oh, snap, he’s on a @#$%@#$%^ boat! (cue music)

    I don’t think mum’s going to kill him. I think she’s just going to step up his training. Jack’s just going to *wish* she’d killed him.

  13. Taseli

    Oh crap oh crap. Looks lke bad news for Jack >_<

  14. Ricuchi

    I sense a great disturbance in the force…

  15. Fayt

    Oh shit, MAX DON’T GO! SHE’LL KILL YOU IF SHE CATCHES YOU! He so can’t hear me. But I think I’m more worried about Max, then I am Jack… I mean it is a Cannon

  16. Kaento

    I can’t help but think of Max in that last panel.

  17. psydei

    I sorta knew it… lolz

  18. Channy

    I love his mom it would be so fun to have her as a mom a few knife wounds so what they’ll heal and ill have a badass scar

  19. NeoDarklight

    I sense a great deal of “Oooooohh F@@@@@@@#$” moments in store for Jack in the near future.

  20. samurai suzuki

    i want a mom this awesome too! i am l337 ha><0r and yes i know more leet but i didn wanna confuse any noobs on dis site! i would own those hackers idjits too! tho not when ther were as many as jack beat down…

  21. Elkian


  22. JaY DeE


  23. Joe Whitehead

    Oh fu**! That can’t be good!

  24. Dave

    This is worse than Max’ happy face…

  25. Crestlinger

    Her and one Ye Thuza Williams from Sandra and Woo = tag team of Dooom.

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