Page 127
September 25th, 2009

Page 127

Haha, everyone thought Frankie was going to get Facepunched, but he has escaped!


  1. Deathmotto

    haha shes like “Think he’d be used to it by now” Keep up the awesomeness!

  2. AdvancedFlea

    Damn it, I was looking forward to seeing Max jump out and scare the shit out of both of them lol

  3. grayfoxpianist

    Eh, I was partly right about Max. Jack’s reactions are always hilarious, though, hahaha
    Oh, by the way, “throught” and “agian” shoud probably be fixed. ;D

  4. Jamie

    Thanks for pointing it out.

  5. Thementalhyuuga

    (Frankies a Chick Deatgmotto lol) well…he sure does like poping out of random places alot dosent he?

  6. Thementalhyuuga


  7. Jamie

    Just to clarify on all the spelling mistakes of late (without sounding completely like I am making excuses, I hope.): I am not a good speller. To compensate for this I have been relying a lot on spell checkers, but somewhere along the line open office stopped spell checking the Jack cannon script. I noticed this (a bit too late) and fixed it by basically making a new document.
    Thank you so much to the people who have pointed out the mistakes I have stupidly over looked, I seriously appreciate it. Without you the comic would be full of errors.
    I also think I should mention for when I get the book off the ground, I am having a professional proofread the whole thing and editing it accordingly. I’ve actually already have them go over the first 113 pages.
    So help me, there will be no dumb errors in the final printed product.
    And again, everyone, thanks for helping me out when I miss something. I really appreciate it.

  8. merks

    is it crystal that is saying “dang your jumpy” from the other bush?

  9. Big fan of too many web comics

    Yeah, I was wondering that too, but I think its supposed to just be max.

  10. Jamie

    Just max. Crystal isn’t in there with him. That would just be WEIRD.

  11. radar

    Weird….or completely awesome?

  12. Jamie

    Maybe awesome for Max :p

  13. Deathmotto

    oh ok. I was thinking she was. Then “He”* haha.

  14. burnishedspeciosity

    You know, “Sorry about the attempted murder thing.” is not something I would really want to hear. There’s not really anything to say after someone pulls that one on you. “Hey man, sorry about that whole attempted murder buisiness.” “Oh, that? No big deal, it happens, man!”

    OH. MY.

    That would actually be super-epic!!!

  15. Big fan of too many web comics

    yeah but with Jack, it actually does happen. all too often lol

  16. killamantanna

    lol im making a gruop of images of funny moments in this and this is going in it

  17. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    plot-HOLE alert
    ther in NOTHING on hees shu!
    (i checked… same shoe)

    PS: luv the comic…

  18. ThisIsNotMyRealNameFYI

    to explain… about 10 comics ago Max said he had sumtink on his shoe.
    cookie now?

  19. Jamie

    Oh man he woulda scraped my mysterious object off his shoe before entering class. A for effort though.

  20. I like puns

    is this mysterios object plot relevant?
    oo! oo!
    is it an alien life form sent down drom outer space to make first contact with the humans only to be squashed by jack. and now the jaded alien has sent messages back to its homeland. and then it turns out their one weakness is rubber… or souls.
    that would be ausome… cause you could totally point to this had say foreshadowing plus u’ve got sum motv thar for the aliens…
    also i would ‘preciate it cause right now the only pun with Crystal i can think of right now is “crystal clear” which i’ve already used.

    … well actually anything thats Jaded will do…
    oh! i got one.

    a dissilusioned, vegitarian, jewel theif who has a crush on Crystal, also his name should be Mack Bauer…
    then you have a JADEd gent out to steal Crystal’s heart… all 24 CARROTS

  21. Secret human.

    All the characters i used to not like, but are starting to like have such adorable eyes. (Frankie, max.)

  22. Lietill

    To put this in 2020 meme terms, Max is Jack’s FBI agent.

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