Page 111
July 31st, 2009

Page 111

Hey and now we know what Jacks Mum does for a living!


  1. Kirk

    And dad stays home and does the cooking and cleaning?

  2. Jamie

    Pretty much. He used to school Jack too, but I guess maybe he should start looking for work. 😉

  3. Biligum

    Huh. I would have figured Mrs. Cannon would be an assassin or something.

  4. The Jester

    I guess now we kinda know why she was dressed like a secret agent when she got to Jack’s school. Probably ditched her charge. xD

  5. Oxybe

    I’m pretty sure just having a small sticker tagged onto your forehead stating “Bodyguarded by: LILLY CANNON ” is enough of a deterrent in and of itself. that’s one dangerous dame, ya know.

  6. Mikey8152

    She a bodyguard…

    I feel bad for the enemies of her employer 0_o

  7. Banish

    One thing about this that worries me is that I have a feeling that Mr. Cannon is the biggest badass of this family. Furthermore, MOUSTACHE! Nuff said.

  8. merks

    I like your colouring on these last two comics. Looking forward to the next battle time.

  9. One Rebel

    Hmm, I could have sworn Lilly’s earings changed their expression to match her emotion…or was that just me?

  10. Deathmotto

    Just you. I’m pretty sure they stay the same.

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