Page 55
January 16th, 2009

Page 55

Todays comic is coloured by my good friend Tim Merks! Wooo!


  1. TCC

    I… I thought he was being witty… I mean then he would have seemed all badarse and junk, but seriously? “Facepuncher”? O.o that is without a doubt the oddest last name I have ever heard, and my last name is Stachowiak..

  2. Banish

    Im pretty sure hes a second generation nerd whose parents just changed their legal name. I think they played too many games as dwarven monks or something.

  3. Drey Sabriel

    Or maybe his ancestors just had a talent for PUNCHING THE HELL OUT OF SOME FACES

  4. Cerberus

    There’s a real guy named Max Fightmaster, so Facepuncher isn’t really out there. 🙂

  5. SamB

    How has nobody broken their hand yet, anyway?

  6. Luna

    When I first read this comic, I though “Facepuncher? Seriously? Wow…” but I’ve found that Max can actually pull that name off. Congratulations, Max!

    By the way, since this is my first time commenting (second read through, though, if that weren’t obvious), I just wanna say that I love this comic ^^
    Why else would I be reading through it again?

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