Page 24
September 29th, 2008

Page 24



  1. Doggy

    dude this is so awesome i love how the story of the comic is vary nice ^>^

  2. Gamervamp

    @.@ really? man i am loving this comic @.@ *favs* cant wait for the hacking stuff to be explained.

  3. Demented Kat

    Lookit Jack in that last panel. Damn.

  4. The Plebe

    Duuude, I like how Jack is the accidental hero in all this. Shrugging off those who can manipulate reality with a click of the button. Though if he is like the savior or chosen one or blah blah, that is going to be cliche. bt I’ll still read.

  5. Outasync

    “Mark my silent words”. Brilliant line.

  6. killamantanna

    am i the only one who appriciates the rich language,arsemonkey brilliant

  7. Paradox Bomb

    “rich language?” You consider “arsemonkey” to be rich language? You obviously need to expand your vocabulary.
    However, you should probably learn common grammar first.

  8. Leesy

    I think that may have been a joke. I laughed, anyway. Don’t be such a grammar nazi.

    So glad I randomly clicked a link to this comic! It’s totally awesome 😀

  9. figgyleaf

    ditto man, ditto

  10. Freehamster

    amen, this thing is looking very promising

  11. Jimmy C

    POnly page 24 and there’s blood on his face. Lovin’ the comic!

  12. Zero_Starlight

    Jamie dropped the ball on this one. He could have had an explosion in the background.

    “Cool guys don’t look at explosions! They blow things up and then walk away!”

    – Zero

  13. newllend(voidSN)

    That’s the look of a true badass.

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