Page 74
March 23rd, 2009

Page 74


  1. Trebor

    You know, I just realized.
    Each of the hackers’ masks seem to perfectly reflect what their actual facial expression would be for at least one panel, like panels 1, 3 (for the right hacker), and 5 for this page.

  2. Naku

    Reality hackers Vs. Fisticuffs!

  3. MisterTeatime

    Annnnd this is the point in the archives where I realized the bad guys in this comic are basically Anonymous with reality-warping powers.

    And you know what?

    That’s awesome.

  4. SamB

    Doesn’t Anonymous usually head after somewhat evil things, like say the extremely evil Scientology?

  5. James

    Not really.
    They go after whatever interests them, whether it be a cat killer, a cult, or just some chick on facebook who had nudes uploaded and they feel like messing with her life.
    It’s called the Internet Hate Machine for a reason.

  6. Luna

    I wonder what Max Facepuncher would think of this… She DID just punch that guy with both fists, after all, and that was the move that he used to kill the moon…

  7. Lietill

    Old comment, but yeah, James is correct.
    Further complicating things in regards to anonymous, it’s not just one uniform group. Anonymous is whoever decides to call themselves such, though there used to be specific groups operating under that moniker, of various ideologies and skill levels.

    You don’t hear as much about them anymore.

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