Page 411
November 26th, 2012

Page 411

Yay we are back! Things are pretty hectic around these parts lately; I’ve been doing a lot of recordings for Game Time with The Nerd Train since I only technically have two open windows a year to provide enough stuff to keep that thing updating constantly.
I’ll be doing my best to keep the comic updates regular. We’ll see how we go!


  1. Walker

    One day he’ll learn to dodge.

  2. James

    Wonder where he’ll wake up ?! o_0

  3. pan_dim_onium

    You do what you need to. I’m just glad to have such a great comic to enjoy 🙂

  4. The Aussie Bloke

    Dude, basic mistake. You don’t let your guard down just ’cause you beat the obvious threat.

  5. Maycroft

    but as many other he proved terrible at avoiding surprise attacks.

  6. Anon1337

    “I’m good a throwing things” is what shows in the 2nd panel.
    I believe you’re missing a “t” in the “at” in the “Good at” section. 🙂 Just a headsup.
    Like the thwock part of the strip. Bahaha 😀

  7. vash_ts

    good for something?
    he kicked your ass before!
    and she asks if he wins any battle fairly… oh, the hypocrisy

  8. Jamie

    You win The Prize, Anon! Fixing it now.

  9. Flaming Squirrel

    Now THAT’S what I call gratitude! Next time somebody holds a door open for me, Imma kick them in the chin 🙂

  10. Zero_Starlight

    “Sexy time?!”

    Dr. Evil: HOW BOUT NO.
    *High Kick*

    – Zero

  11. Zeb

    Tom filling out a online dating profile.
    Qualities: I have read five books, I’m good at throwing things and I don’t fall for obvious traps.

  12. quarktime

    You idiot. Maxim #29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more. No less.

    Just because Adrian was going to kill her doesn’t mean she was going to be nice to you just because you beat him. She still doesn’t like you.

  13. Benedict

    Hey, Jamie, if the fancyadventures tumblr is yours, it appears to have been hijacked by some kind of survey spambot. Unless that’s an ironic joke about spambots or something?

  14. Ol' Gui

    Well, ain’t that a kick in the head? Quarktime has a good point with maxim # 29.

  15. reynard61

    “Wonder where he’ll wake up ?! o_0”

    Judging by how far his head got snapped back by that kick, I’d say in a hospital bed — probably in traction and wearing a halo brace…

  16. Anon2


    So, Lilly > Tom > Adrian despite Adrian > Lilly.

    The Power Rankings(tm) would be totally messed up if not for Tom being kinda lousy with surprise attacks.

  17. Zorpheus

    Lilly: “And now you die!” *kills Tom*

    Radio: “What are you doing, Lilly?! You just created a time paradox!”

  18. ASP

    @ anon2 or it could work like rock paper scissors?

  19. Reynard-Miri

    “Wonder where he’ll wake up ?! o_0″

    On the wedding aisle.

  20. The Aussie Bloke

    And then it turns out she only did that so he wouldn’t put her back in the barf cell. She moved herself to another one, reasoning that she was safer from other termination attempts if she was in his workplace.

  21. OhMarioWV

    I’m just glad you’re back

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