Page 558
April 17th, 2020

Page 558

So let’s say you, oh, I don’t know… find yourself with a bit more free time on your hands than usual and want something to listen to, I happen to be in a couple of podcasts which you can give a listen to if you like!

The first one is the Neon City Daily Podcast, and it basically covers video game news and happenings, and the second one is Neon City Daily After Dark, which is my old friend Nick and I just basically shooting the shit for an hour – if you happened to listen to the Nerd Train way back in the day, it’s basically that!

Okay, thanks! Love you!


  1. Savail

    Gavin: Hey, Sarah, check this out!
    Sarah: Uh… that’s just some stupid old Geocities page…

  2. Ether

    I guess the general help with this plan and that’s why he feels responsible for her death.

  3. Metalshop

    Man, I have questions now about whoever came after her. What could scare her so much, and is whatever/whoever it was still around.

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