Page 579
March 17th, 2023

Page 579


  1. Ether

    New page! I wonder if the assassins are going to jump them now?

  2. Roe

    hurray, lore was dropped and no one had to die!!

  3. Ether

    I thought I left a comment here. Well either way, I hope you’re doing well and know that people like your comic.

  4. Jamie

    Sorry Ether, I have the one-two combo of all the comments need to be manually approved and I’m not getting email alerts when people comment anymore. :’) I need to carve out some time to do some back end maintenance. Thanks for the well-wishes!

  5. yoshierider

    I like how playful she is. With Gavin, we never saw her being friendly or fun; she was either all business, or depressed.
    I guess she’s in her element now.

    Been a long time reader. At some point, realized I hadn’t checked this comic in years; pleased to see there were updates. Rereading the earlier parts has been a blast, and I love how the story has continued.

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