Merry Christmas!
December 23rd, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Well, its that time of year again and honestly, I can’t believe how fast everything has gone by since the last update! When was that again? 2020?? Hahah… Did you know we perceive time faster and faster as we get older? What a crock!

Anyway, I’m going to be focusing on ramping up my digital art output in the coming year, and that means comics are back on the menu, bay-bee! Please join me on the 6th of January for more fancy antics!

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, and have a safe new year, everyone 🙂


  1. Jou

    Woah, I am so happy to see you are still there!
    And yes, time speeds up when you get older.

  2. Fallingfeather

    Hey, welcome back! :3 Looking forward to the return of the comic!

  3. L

    Jack’s coming back? What a Christmas present!

  4. ROE

    WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Christmas Shark lives AND we are back to our regularly scheduled fancy programming?! time to reread the whole series again for the billionth time. best Christmas ever

  5. shadowinthelight

    Yay Christmas Shark! Also, great to see you are alive and well, Jamie.

  6. Dekker

    Welcome back!

  7. swmacha

    Hyped as hell to see a new page for this comic!!! Glad you’re still doing well and can’t wait for the 6th so see something new again

  8. Ooorah

    Christmas Shark! My year is complete!

    Can’t wait to see more!

  9. Ether

    Hope you had a good Christmas.

  10. Savail

    Christmas Shark! I’ve missed you these past few years. Oh, and, uh, I guess you, too, Jamie.

    In all seriousness, welcome back. Ready to resume this fun ride!

  11. Simon


  12. ZHODY

    Yooo, a new page!? Wonderful! Can’t wait to see this comic come back!

  13. Ether

    Christmas shark.

  14. Savail

    Okay, that’s weird. I could’ve sworn I posted on this the other day…

    ANYWAY, great to see Christmas Shark again! He’s looking good.

    Aaaand I guess it’s good to see you, too, Jamie. Looking forward to a new year of some fancy adventures!

  15. fahorblumgraids

    New comics hype!

  16. MauveCloud

    Nice to see an update to this comic. As far as perceiving time faster as we get older, I’d say it’s more that time seems faster looking backward than looking forward.

  17. Essex

    Was doing my monthly check of the comic and noticed a forward button. Yay, an update!

  18. dev

    yees, i cannot wait for more

  19. Squiernhc

    Since the era of Charlemagne

  20. dev

    cant wait, always loved this comic

  21. Johnny Whoa

    The return! Happy holidays, Jamie! Glad to see you’re doing well (or at least I hope so!). Looking forward to the comic returning!

  22. Sora Hjort (@SoraHjort)

    Glad to see you’re back. A friend and I did see the holiday shark page when it went up. But since no one has made any comments yet, I figured I’d comment and let you know that there are atleast a few of us that noticed you’re back.

    Hope to see more pages soon~

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