Page 488
August 5th, 2016

Page 488


  1. Ooorah

    “…Haha, no, of course not. It was just a joke… I’ll just leave this handy in the training room now…”

  2. hiddeninsight

    I am interested to see where this is going.

  3. Dave

    You must always be alert in the house of Cannon

  4. shadowinthelight

    Jack: “Umm, wanna play doctor?”

  5. Newllend(Henryvolt)

    I’d keep it around just in case.

  6. Sandman366

    “I’ve met my family. I was seriously hoping this was enough.”

  7. Neil Dunsmore

    “Dude, were you serious with that?”
    Oh, don’t pretend you weren’t thinking the exact same thing when you saw his mom juggling that knife!

  8. Ether

    I hope we get so fun bonding time next.

  9. Anon3000

    Oh, I can see Brutal Training Montage™ as a next page

    But you never know with Jamie. 😉

  10. wood working properties

    wood working properties

    The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon – A Webcomic – » Archive » Page 488

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